To not face retribution yetis not a consolation,but a reminderthat it will be compounded in effectif still not repentant. Shilashanti
Author - tdeditors
Encouraging Mindfulness Of Buddha, Cultivates Blessings And Wisdom 劝念佛,修福慧
[能将净土法门劝人,即是福慧双修。] … [Those able to use the Pure Land Dharma Door to encourage people, then are with blessings and wisdom both cultivated.] …...
How To Perfectly Cultivate Both Blessings And Wisdom With The Greatest Ease 如何最自在圆满福慧双修
如何最自在圆满福慧双修How To Perfectly Cultivate Both Blessings And Wisdom With The Greatest Ease 修福不修慧,象身掛瓔珞。修慧不修福,罗汉应供薄。— 佛教偈颂Cultivating blessings and not cultivating wisdom, on the elephant’s body...
[58] The Parable Of The Two Sons Dividing Wealth From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之二子分财喻
昔摩罗国有一刹利,得病极重,必知定死,诫敕二子:「我死之后善分财物。」In the past, in Malla Kingdom, there was a kṣatriya, who got a sickness that was extremely serious. Knowing he will definitely die, he ordered his two sons, ‘After...
Three Steps For Good Communication
[1] The first stepfor a fruitful conversationis to listen calmly and clearly. [2] The second stepis to speak calmly and clearlyto respond to that heard. [3] The third stepis to return to the first...
With Blessings And Wisdom Together Cultivated 福慧双修
「 [1] 修福不修慧,象身挂璎珞;[2] 修慧不修福,罗汉应供薄。」… [2] ‘Cultivating blessings and not cultivating wisdom, on the elephant’s body hangs necklaces. [1] Cultivating...
Our Buddha-Nature Is Most Honourable 吾人佛性最为尊
奇哉!奇哉!此诸众生云何具有如来智慧,愚痴迷惑,不知不见?– 释迦牟尼佛《华严经》Marvellous! Marvellous! Of all these sentient beings, why are they complete with the Thus Come Ones’ wisdom, yet ignorant and confused, not knowing and...
[57] The Parable Of Stepping On The Elder’s Mouth From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之蹋长者口喻
昔有大富长者,左右之人欲取其意皆尽恭敬。长者唾时,左右侍人以脚蹋却。In the past, there was a great wealthy elder, with people on his left and right, desiring to obtain his favour, who are all completely reverent to him. When the...
‘M3GAN’ (Megan) Is Not Human(e) After All
With ongoing crimes and mass unrest physical and mental, since humans are already not so predictable, how can collective human ‘knowledge’ as AI (Artificial Intelligence), which also...
With Blessings And Wisdom Both Cultivated 福慧兼修
[1] 修慧不修福,明了而穷困。[2] 修福不修慧,富贵而愚痴。[3] 福慧若兼修,富贵而明了。[4] 二者皆不修,愚痴而穷困。 [1] Cultivating wisdom and not cultivating blessings, there is understanding that is clear, yet having...
[56] The Parable Of Asking For Nothing From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之索无物喻
昔有二人道中共行,见有一人将胡麻车,在崄路中不能得前。In the past, there were two persons in the middle of the path together walking, seeing there is a person leading a sesame cart, in the middle of a steep road, not able to...
The Mega 1 Lesson From ‘Meg 2: The Trench’
No matter how seeminglybig and ‘monstrous’ a challenge is,with many intricacies,do not be entrenched, stuck. ‘We work the problemsone by one.We do what’s in front of us.And...
Hard Truths Vs Sweet Lies
Hard truths eventually lift you up,while sweet lies will let you downas they do not align with reality.
With The Six Roots Not Lustful Attain Purity 六根不淫得清净
若有持心、持身不造淫欲,持眼不视淫色,持耳不听淫声,持鼻不嗅淫香,持舌不触淫舌,如此名为具足智慧,行八正路。 不淫净身心,喻如莲花,不著尘垢,成… 无上大道,皆从不淫清净故得。 释迦牟尼佛《受十善戒经》 If having upholding in mind,uphold the body by not creating lustful desires,uphold the eyes by...
[55] The Parable Of Wishing To, For The King Shave His Beard From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之愿为王剃须喻
昔者有王有一亲信,于军阵中没命救王使得安全,王大欢喜与其所愿,即便问言:「汝何所求?恣汝所欲。」In the past, there was a King who had a close and trusted minister, within a battle formation risking losing of his life to save the King, causing him...
Seven Nearly Silent Lessons From ‘A Quiet Place: Day One’
[1] Calmness: The more chaotic and panicky the rest of the crowd is, the more personal calmness there has to be, for finding a method to make sense of and survive the madness. The world might by...
Not So Bad Or Much Worse?
If well preparedfor the worst,if it occurs,it will notbe so bad. If unpreparedfor the bad,if it occurs,it mightbe much worse. Stonepeace
Never Departing From The Bodhi Path 不离菩提道
举足下足,常在道场。施为举动,皆是菩提。 禅宗四祖道信大师《入道安心要方便门》 Be it raising a foot or lowering a foot,constantly in the place for practising the path.Conduct and movements,are all for Bodhi (Awakening). Chán...
[54] The Parable Of The Snake’s Head And Tail Together Disputing Who To Be At The Front From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之蛇头尾共争在前喻
譬如有蛇,尾语头言:「我应在前。」For example, there is a snake, with the tail speaking to the head, saying, ‘I should be at the front.’头语尾言:「我恒在前,何以卒尔?」The head spoke to the tail, saying, ‘As I am constantly at the...
Four Uneasy Haikus On The ‘Boston Strangler(s)’
It is easy to pointthe blame to someone else,instead of acknowledging one’s complicity. (Why not reflect more completely?) It is easy to assumethe guilty being one person,instead of possibly...
How To Purify ‘The Cursed Land’?
In many Thai supernatural movies, some monks usually eventually save the day from malevolent ghostly encounters. However, this horror story tells of disturbances by (otherwise neither innately good...
What Is ‘It’ Really?
‘It’ is evil (personified).‘It’ is (your) greed (or attachment).‘It’ is (your) hatred (or aversion).‘It’ is (your) delusion (or ignorance)...
The Three Rules Of Love
The Three Rules Of Love [1] Expression: Show it well[2] Commitment: Hang on well[3] Relinquishment: Let go well
From The Roots To The Fruit 从本至果
一切善法,戒为根本。持戒之人,则心不悔。不悔则欢喜,欢喜则心乐,心乐得一心,一心则生实智,实智生则得厌,得厌则离欲,离欲得解脱,解脱得涅槃,是名净持戒。 圣天菩萨《百论》上卷舍罪福品第一 All good Dharma [teachings], are with the [1] Precepts as roots. Of people upholding the [1] Precepts...
[53] The Parable Of The Teacher’s Suffering Feet Handed Over To His Two Disciples From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之师患脚付二弟子喻
譬如一师有二弟子,其师患脚,遣二弟子人当一脚随时按摩。For example, a teacher has two disciples. As this teacher has suffering feet, he sent the two disciples, to be with each person supporting one leg, at all times massaging...
With decloudingis the shining. Stonepeace
Practise Good To Cease Evil 行善止恶
若勤修善时,罪恶心不起;于福不勤者,心便造诸恶。 释迦牟尼佛《根本说一切有部毗奈耶卷》 If when diligently cultivating good,transgressions’ evil mind does not arise.Of those for blessings not diligent,their minds will then create many...
[52] The Parable Of The Musician Making Music From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之伎儿作乐喻
譬如伎儿,王前作乐,王许千钱。For example, when a musician, before the King made music, the King promised him a thousand coins.后从王索,王不与之,王语之言:「汝向作乐空乐我耳,我与汝钱亦乐汝耳。」Later, from the King asking for them, the King did...
The Best Offering
The best offering isthe fragrance of virtuefrom utmost sincere Dharma practice.
With True Repentance Uproot Transgressions’ Roots 真忏拔罪根
若人造重罪,作已深自责,忏悔更不造,能拔根本罪。 释迦牟尼佛《业报差别经》 If a person has created a heavy transgression,done already with deep personal reproach,repenting and again not creating it,this is able to uproot the root of the...
Reports Of Those Reborn In Pure Land Returning To Inform So 往生净土归来报告之公案
Confusion: There are some who might doubt the reality of rebirth in Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛: Amitābha Buddha) Pure Land (净土), assuming that without news of those reborn returning to inform of their...
[51] The Parable Of The Five Persons Buying A Servant And Together Ordering Him To Work From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之五人买婢共使作喻
譬如五人共买一婢,其中一人语此婢言:「与我浣衣。」For example, five persons together bought a servant. Among then, a person spoke to this servant, saying, ‘For me wash my clothes.’次有一人复语浣衣。Next, there was a person, who again...
‘Suzume’ Reflections On One Portal, Gateway, Keystone And Feeling
One Portal: If Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) Pure Land (净土) is reached, it is also like a ‘portal’ for seeing the past (for missed lessons), the present and the projected future (with the...
True R.I.P.
True rest and peaceis from Rebirth In Pure Land,for training before leaving,to deliver others with ease.
Personally Eliminate Evils And Teach Others To Eliminate Evils 自除教他除
菩萨摩诃萨先自除恶,后教人除。若不自除,能教他除,无有是处!是故菩萨先应自施、持戒、知足、勤行精进,然后化人。 释迦牟尼佛《优婆塞戒经》自利利他品第十 Bodhisattva Mahāsattvas should first personally eliminate evils, after that teaching people to eliminate them. If not...
Āmítuófó Has Long Since Prepared How To Save And Deliver Us 阿弥陀佛早已预备如何救度吾人
愿我作佛,齐圣法王。过度生死,靡不解脱。布施调意,戒忍精进,如是三昧,智慧为上。吾誓得佛,普行此愿。一切恐惧,为作大安。 — 过去法藏菩萨;现在阿弥陀佛《无量寿经》:总愿 May I become a Buddha, equal to the noble Dharma King. Crossing over, delivering beings from birth and death...
[50] The Parable Of Healing The Hunchback From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之医治脊偻喻
譬如有人卒患脊偻请医疗之,医以酥涂,上下着板,用力痛压,不觉双目一时并出。For example, there was a person who suddenly became a hunchback, who invited a doctor to heal him. The doctor, with ghee applied, and with his above and below...
What Is (Not) Self-Praising And Slandering Of Others?
Question: If a ‘teacher’s answer on an important Buddhist question is unorthodox, inconsistent with the Dharma taught by the Buddha, and if this is highlighted by the confused asking us...
The ‘Mindful’ Killer In ‘Woman Of The Hour’
There is Right Mindfulness (正念),aligned to goodness and purity,and there is evil mindfulness (邪念),aligned to greed (with lust), hatred and delusion. How ‘deranged’ is onewho is...
Repentance & Forgiveness
While we should practiserepentance for our mistakes,we should also practiseforgiveness for others’ mistakes,even if they do not repent. Stonepeace
The Bodhisattva Precepts Are Like A Lamp, Mirror And Maṇi Gem
戒如大明灯,能消长夜暗。戒如真宝镜,照法尽无余。戒如摩尼珠,雨物济贫穷。离世速成佛,唯此法为最。是故诸菩萨,应当勤护戒。 These Precepts are like a great bright lamp, able to eliminate long night’s darkness. These Precepts are like a true treasure mirror...
How To Complain And Handle Complaints Properly (With And Without AI)?
若佛子,自瞋、教人瞋、瞋因、瞋缘、瞋法、瞋业。而菩萨应生一切众生善根无诤之事,常生慈悲心、孝顺心。而反更于一切众生中,乃至于非众生中,以恶口骂辱,加以手打,及以刀杖,意犹不息。前人求悔,善言忏谢,犹瞋不解者,是菩萨波罗夷罪。 — 释迦牟尼佛《梵网经菩萨戒本》:第九瞋心不受悔戒 If, as Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, they should...
[49] The Parable Of The Small Boys Disputing When Differentiating Hair From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之小儿争分别毛喻
譬如昔日有二小儿入河遨戏,于此水底得一把毛,一小儿言:「此是仙须。」For example, in past days, there were two small boys entering a river to play. At this water’s bottom getting a handful of hair, a small boy said, ‘This is a sage’s...
Three ‘Spectre’ Haikus On Protection
[1] M reminds Bond:‘A license to killis also a licensenot to kill.’ Reflection: Killing is the last resort,for protecting the living,not for making a living. [2] On the Nine Eyes...
Already In Simulation
We are living in a simulationpowered by our three poisonsof greed, hatred and delusion,to be awakened from,with generosity, compassion and wisdom.
Verse On Autumn And Winter 秋冬偈
看天入秋,不知余年,也许秋冬,善用余生。 Seeing nature entering autumn, not knowing my remaining years, perhaps already in my autumn or winter, I have to well use the rest of this life.
Not Can Or Cannot, But Should Or Should Not 不是可不可,而是该不该
大爱偈Verses On Great Love 于食众生肉,非是可不可,而是该不该,是否顺大爱。 Of eating sentient beings’ flesh, it is not a matter of can or cannot, but a matter of should or should not, whether it accords with great love...
[48] The Parable Of That Jackal By A Broken Tree Branch Hit From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之野干为折树枝所打喻
譬如野干在于树下,风吹枝折堕其脊上,即便闭目不欲看树,舍弃而走到于露地,乃至日暮亦不肯来。For example, there was a jackal at a tree below. When the wind blew, a branch broke and fell on his spine above. He immediately closed his eyes, not...
Be thoughtful about the thoughtful,thoughtless about the thoughtless. Stonepeace
Mountain Vs Mind Bandits
破山中贼易,破心中贼难。 王阳明 Defeating bandits within mountains is easy.Defeating banditswithin minds is difficult. Wáng Yángmíng
Uphold The Bodhisattva Precepts Like The Grass Tied Monks 持菩萨戒如草系比丘
若受佛戒者,应护佛戒,如念一子、如事父母,不可毁破。 — 释迦牟尼佛《梵网菩萨戒本》 If there are those who have received the Buddha’s [Bodhisattva] Precepts, they should protect the Buddha’s Precepts, like being mindful of their...
[47] The Parable Of The Poor Person Making A Mandarin Duck’s Chirp From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之贫人作鸳鸯鸣喻
昔外国节法庆之日,一切妇女尽持优钵罗华以为鬘饰。 In the past, as a foreign country’s etiquette and law, on its day of celebration, all its women all held utpala flowers, with them as garlands adorning themselves...
‘The Report’ On ‘Enhanced Interrogation’
Here is a moral ‘dilemma’. Is it right to torture ‘criminals and suspects’ for ‘truths’, that might save other lives? This might seem plausible at first, provided...
In And Out Of Time
We arealways runningin time.We arealways runningout of time. Stonepeace
[46] The Parable Of Stealing The Yak From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之偷牦牛喻
譬如一村共偷牦牛而共食之。 For example, there were people from a village who together stole a yak and together ate it. 其失牛者逐迹至村,唤此村人问其由状,而语之言:「尔在此村不?」 That person who lost the yak followed the footprints and...
Escape The ‘Killer Heat’ Of Jealous Rage
It is often observed that identical (i.e. monozygotic) twins tend to get along well. After all, they have the same DNA, having come from fertilisation of a single egg by a single sperm, with the...
Apologise And Thank
Live each day fully,and love more deeply,with no apology not offered,and no thanks not given,such that even if this is the last meeting,there will be absolutely no regrets. — Stonepeace
With Precepts And Repentance Is The Buddha Path 有戒,有忏悔,有佛道
有而犯者,胜无不犯;有犯名菩萨,无犯名外道。 释迦牟尼佛《菩萨璎珞本业经》 Those with precepts, yet transgressing them, are superior to those without [precepts] and not transgressing them. Those with [precepts] to transgress are named...
[45] The Parable Of The Servant Guarding The Door From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之奴守门喻
譬如有人将欲远行,敕其奴言:「尔好守门并看驴索。」 For example, there was a person who will be about to travel far, ordering his servant, saying, ‘You should well guard the door, and look after the donkey’s rope...
How To Constantly Comply With Sentient Beings?
Question: When we practise ‘constantly complying with sentient beings’ (恒顺众生) as a Bodhisattva practice, how do we decide what can and cannot be done? (To comply with beings means to...
Top Ten Power Reflections From ‘The Rings Of Power’
[1] Initiation: Power tends to be needed to manage matters, for the good of oneself and others. [2] Accumulation: Power tends to be accumulated increasingly for increasing efficiency. Power is easy...
On And On?
Life must go onbut life must not go onlike it will always go on and on. Stonepeace
[44] The Parable Of Desiring To Eat Half A Pancake From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之欲食半饼喻
譬如有人,因其饥故食七枚煎饼,食六枚半已便得饱满,其人恚悔,以手自打而作是言:「我今饱足由此半饼,然前六饼唐自捐弃,设知半饼能充足者,应先食之。」 For example, there is a person, because of his hunger thus, eating seven pieces of pancakes. After eating six and a half...
Can Food Offered To The Deceased Be Eaten After?
Question: Is vegan food already offered to the deceased suitable for eating? Answer: The idea that post-offered food is unhealthy is not true. If not fit for eating, many who eat it should know...
That which is indestructible by allis that which can destroy all.(That is truth.) Stonepeace
Be Like The Rock
To be like the rockthat the waveskeep crashing over. It stands unmovedand the raging of the seafalls still around it. Marcus Aurelius(Meditations)
The Root Ten Precepts Of All Buddhas And Bodhisattvas’ Practices 一切佛菩萨行之根本十戒
佛子!有十不可悔戒,应受应持。 Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, there are Ten Unrepentable Precepts, that should be received and should be upheld. [Note 1: The breaking of these precepts has to be very...
Towards The Extraordinary
To err is ordinary;to repent less ordinary,and to not err again extraordinary. Stonepeace
Verse On Threefold Refuge 三皈偈
何为皈依三宝?归命十方诸佛,归命诸世出法,归命诸贤圣僧。 What is refuge in the Triple Gem? It is refuge for life in the ten directions‘ all Buddhas, refuge for life in all worldly and world-transcending Dharma teachings, and...
[43] The Parable Of Polishing A Big Rock From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之磨大石喻
譬如有人,磨一大石勤加功力,经历日月作小戏牛,用功既重所期甚轻。 For example, there is a person polishing a big rock with diligence, additional labour and strength, going through days and months making a small toy cow, with use of...
[42] The Parable Of The Merchant With His Camel’s Death From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之估客驼死喻
譬如估客游行商贾,会于路中而驼卒死,驼上所载多有珍宝,细软上㲲种种杂物。 For example, like a merchant guest who is a travelling merchant, when meeting on the road, then with his camel suddenly dying, on the camel above, those carried...
You remain responsiblefor having chosento relinquish responsibilitywhen you should have not.
Retain Mindfulness Of The Triple Gem 存念三宝
怖心难生、善心难发,故经云:『勿轻小罪以为无殃,水滴虽微渐盈大器。刹那造罪殃堕无间,一失人身万劫不复。壮色不停犹如奔马,人命无常过于山水,今日虽存明亦难保。众等各各一心勤修精进,慎勿懈怠懒惰睡眠纵意,夜即摄心存念三宝。莫以空过徒设疲劳,后代深悔。』卢舍那佛《梵网经菩萨戒序》摘录 As the terrified mind is difficult to produce, and the...
How Giving Rise To Aspiration For Birth In Pure Land Aligns With The Four Noble Truths And Four Great Vows 发愿往生净土如何对齐四圣谛与四弘誓愿
若有人已发愿、今发愿、当发愿,欲生阿弥陀佛国者,是诸人等,皆得不退转于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,于彼国土,若已生、若今生、若当生。是故舍利弗,诸善男子、善女人,若有信者,应当发愿,生彼国土。 释迦牟尼佛《阿弥陀经》 If there are people who have already vowed, are now vowing, or will be vowing, with the desire...
[41] The Parable Of Piśāca Ghosts From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之毗舍闍鬼喻
昔有二毗舍闍鬼,共有一箧一杖一屐,二鬼共诤各各欲得,二鬼纷纭竟日不能使平。In the past, there were two piśāca ghosts, together having one trunk, one cane and one pair of clogs. With the two ghosts together disputing, with each one...
Quickly Accomplish Buddhahood 速成佛
生西方极乐世界,受用种种功德庄严清净佛土大乘法乐,日夜六时亲近供养无量寿【阿弥陀】佛,游历十方供养诸佛,于诸佛所闻法受记,福慧资粮疾得圆满,速证无上正等菩提。 释迦牟尼佛《称赞净土佛摄受经》 Be born in the Western Land Of Ultimate Bliss, to receive and use all kinds of meritorious...
[40] The Parable Of Curing Baldness From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之治秃喻
昔有一人头上无毛,冬则大寒夏则患热,兼为蚊虻之所唼食,昼夜受恼,甚以为苦。 In the past, there was a person, with his head above without hair, in winter then with great cold, and in summer then suffering from heat, together by mosquitoes...
Cultivate And Extinguish 修与息
勤修戒定慧,息灭贪嗔痴。Diligently cultivate precepts, concentration and wisdom,to extinguish greed, hatred and delusion. 佛教格言Buddhist Saying
[39] The Parable Of Seeing Another Person Applying On His House From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之见他人涂舍喻
昔有一人往至他舍,见他屋舍墙壁涂治,其地平正清净甚好,便问之言:「用何和涂得如是好?」 In the past, there was a person who went to and arrived at another’s house. Seeing the other’s house’s walls applied and treated, with...
Lion Verse 狮子偈
佛已狮子吼,应至心闻法。不闻胡乱说,狮子身上虫。 As the Buddha has already roared the lion’s roar, there should be, with the sincere mind, listening to the Dharma. If not listening to the Dharma and carelessly...
Should We Be Good Children To ‘Bad’ Parents?
右肩负父、左肩负母,经历千年,正使便利背上,然无有怨心于父母,此子犹不足报父母恩。 释迦牟尼佛《佛说父母恩难报经》 If on the right shoulder carrying one’s Father, and on the left shoulder carrying one’s Mother, going through a thousand years...
[38] The Parable Of Drinking The Wooden Bucket’s Water From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之饮木筩水喻
昔有一人,行来渴乏,见木筩中有清净流水,就而饮之,饮水已足即便举手语木筩言:「我已饮竟,水莫复来。」 In the past, there was a person, with walking coming to be thirsty and exhausted. Seeing a wooden bucket, within having pure flowing water, he right...
Verse On Bell’s Sounds 钟声偈
愿此钟声超法界,铁围幽暗悉皆闻。闻尘清净证圆通,一切众生成正觉。 May this bell’s sound transcend the Dharma realm, with those in Iron Wall Mountain’s darkness all hearing it. May hearing’s dust be purified, for...
[37] The Parable Of Killing A Herd Of Cows From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之杀群牛喻
昔有一人,有二百五十头牛,常驱逐水草随时餧食。 In the past, there was a person, who had two hundred and fifty count of cows, constantly driving them to lands with water and grass, at all times for feeding food and drink...
Verse On Definitely Having 必有偈
四大必有,成住坏空。五蕴亦有,生老病死。 The four great elements definitely have forming, abiding, disintegrating and emptiness. The five aggregates also have, birth, ageing, sickness and death.
How To Spiritually Deliver And Be Delivered 如何超度与得度
为人子女,应该注重于父母亲的神识得到安居之所【阿弥陀佛之净土】。 — 净土宗十三祖印光大师《临终三大要》 As children, we should emphasise on the attainment of settlement for our parents’ consciousnesses [in Āmítuófó’s Pure Land]. — Pure Land...
[36] The Parable Of Destroying Eyes Of The Sage With Five Supernormal Powers From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之破五通仙眼喻
昔有一人,入山学道得五通仙,天眼彻视,能见地中一切伏藏种种珍宝。 In the past, there was a person, who entered a mountain to learn the path and attained to be a sage with five supernormal powers. With the heavenly eye having...
Learn On
As only the fully enlighteneddo not need to learn further,may we learn on to practise on.
[35] The Parable Of The Treasure Trunk’s Mirror From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之宝箧镜喻
昔有一人,贫穷困乏,多负人债无以可偿,即便逃避至空旷处。 In the past, there was a person, poor, with difficulties and lacking, owing many people debts. Without that which can be used for repayment, he immediately escaped and...
Flattered Or Bettered?
Those who dolike being praisedare more easily flattered. Those who donot dislike being blamedare more easily bettered. Stonepeace
Those Who Have Transgressions Should Repent 有罪者当忏悔
诸佛子等!合掌至心听。我今欲说诸佛大戒序。众集,默然听。自知有罪当忏悔,忏悔即安乐,不忏悔罪益深。无罪者默然,默然故,当知众清净。 《梵网经菩萨戒序》 All Buddha’s disciples and others! With joined palms and the sincere mind listen. I now desire to speak on all Buddhas’...
The Second Best Story I Know
This is the second best story I know.It is based on the best story I know –the life story of the Buddha. Once upon a time, when the Buddha was still Prince Siddhartha,He had all that most of us would...
[34] The Parable Of Delivering Sweet Water From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之送美水喻
昔有一聚落,去王城五由旬,村中有好美水。王敕村人,常使日日送其美水,村人疲苦,悉欲移避远此村去。 In the past, there was a village, from the King’s city five yojanas away, with the village within having good and sweet water. The King ordered...
Verse On Pure Veganism 净素偈
戒肉五辛,奶蛋酒蜜,勿用众生,皮毛羽劳。 Abstain from consuming flesh, five pungent roots,dairy products, eggs, alcohol and honey,and do not use sentient beings’skin, fur, feathers and toil. Related Article: How...
Countdown Reflection
Why is countdown to a new year celebrationwhen it counts another year gone by?Why is it not for solemn reflectionon how best to use the time left? May all live a spiritually fulfilling new year.
[33] The Parable Of Cutting The Tree To Obtain Its Fruits From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之斫树取果喻
昔有国王,有一好树高广极大,当生胜果香而甜美。 In the past, there was a country’s King, who had a beautiful tree that was tall, wide and extremely big, that will grow supreme fruits that are fragrant and sweet...
Will, Thought, Purpose, Spirit, Demeanour, Words & Deeds 志、意趣、气度与言动
作恶事须防鬼神知,干好事莫怕旁人笑。 Doing evil deeds, there ‘must’ be preventing of ghosts and gods from knowing them. [which is impossible]. Doing good deeds, there must not be fearing of other people laughing at...
Verse On Listening To Teachings 闻法偈
听善人言,或得善法。信受佛言,才得正法。 Listening to good persons’ words,perhaps getting good teachings.Faithfully receiving the Buddha’s words,then attaining the Right Dharma.
[32] The Parable Of The Merchant Guest Who Stole Gold From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之估客偷金喻
昔有二估客,共行商贾,一卖真金,其第二者卖兜罗绵。 In the past, there were two merchant guests, together as travelling merchants trading, with one selling true gold, and that second one selling tūla cotton...
May thoughtlessness bring calmness.May thoughtfulness bring clarity.
With One Recitation Of Námó Buddhāya 一称南无佛
若人散乱心,入于塔庙中,一称南无佛,皆已成佛道。于诸过去佛,在世或灭度,若有闻是法,皆已成佛道。 释迦牟尼佛《妙法莲华经》方便品第二 If people with scattered minds, enter in a pagoda within, with one recitation of ‘Námó Buddhā[ya]’, all already are...
[31] The Parable Of Hiring An Earthenware Master From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之雇借瓦师喻
昔有婆罗门师欲作大会,语弟子言:「我须瓦器以供会用,汝可为我雇借瓦师诣市觅之。」 In the past, there was a Brahmin teacher, desiring to have a great assembly, who spoke to his disciple, saying, ‘As I need earthenwares, with them for...
Will You Duel The ‘Dual’ You?
Doppelganger tales are literally good for self-reflection. ‘Dual’ gives rise to much dualistically balanced food for thought… If not informed, how do you know if you are the original or a...
Verse On Seeing Mountains 看山偈
假观是山,空观非山,中观是非,三观看山。 With false contemplation are mountains, with empty contemplation not mountains, with middle contemplation are and/or not, with the Three Contemplations see mountains. Related...
[30] The Parable Of The Person Tending Sheep From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之牧羊人喻
昔有一人,巧于牧羊,其羊滋多乃有千万,极大悭贪不肯外用。 In the past, there was a person, skilful in tending sheep, with his sheep increasing in number, thus having ten million of them. With extremely great greed, he was not...
Perfect The Fundamentals
Spiritual perfection is just full extensionof the Dharma’s fundamental principlespractised and realised.
Verse On Buddha Crowns 佛顶偈
世有山顶,佛无见顶。超越一切,世出世间。 The world has mountain peaks, the Buddhas have unseeable crowns (uṣṇīṣas). Surpassing all, of the worldly and world-transcending.
[29] The Parable Of The Poor Person Burning Coarse Hemp Clothes From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之贫人烧粗褐衣喻
昔有一人贫穷困乏,与他客作,得粗褐衣而被着之。 In the past, there was a person poor with difficulties of that lacking, for another as a servant working, who got coarse hemp clothes and wore them...
Is It Advisable For Buddhists To Burn Paper Offerings For The Deceased? 佛教徒该为亡者烧纸扎供品吗?
Question: Is it alright for a Buddhist wake to have burning of paper offerings? Answer: Unless it is an absolute ‘must’ to appease those who insist, this should be avoided. And if done...
Relistening To ‘Blade Runner’s ‘Tears In Rain’ Monologue
The runaway rebel replicant (i.e. bioengineered humanoid) Roy Batty delivered the following iconic monologue, right before his synthetic body shut down. This was after chasing and confronting the...
To know if your thoughtsare thoughtful enough,think about others’ thoughts too.
[28] The Parable Of For The Wife Changing Her Nose From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之为妇贸鼻喻
昔有一人,其妇端正唯有鼻丑,其人出外见他妇女面貌端正其鼻甚好,便作念言:「我今宁可截取其鼻着我妇面上,不亦好乎?」 In the past, there was a person, whose wife looked upright, only having her nose being ugly. When that person went out and saw another...
[27] The Parable Of Curing Whip Wounds From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之治鞭疮喻
昔有一人为王所鞭,既被鞭已,以马屎拊之欲令速差。有愚人见之心生欢喜,便作是言:「我决得是治疮方法。」 In the past, there was a person who was by the King whipped, having been whipped already, with horse dung applying it on his wounds, desiring to...
Contemplate The Sound Of The Buddha’s Name 观佛音
观音念佛,观念佛音。When Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva recites the Buddha’s name, she contemplates the sound of the Buddha’s name recited.
[26] The Parable Of The Person Imitating A King’s Eye-Twitching From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之人效王眼瞤喻
昔有一人,欲得王意,问余人言:「云何得之?」 In the past, there was a person, desiring to get the King’s agreeability, asked other people, saying, ‘How can I get it?’ 有人语言:「若欲得王意者,王之形相汝当效之。」 There...
Verse On Time 时间偈
快乐时候,时间快过。难过时候,时间难过。 When happy,time quickly passes.When sad,time slowly passes. (Thus, time in higher realms, including heavens and Pure Lands, with more happiness, passes much quicker, while time...
Reverent Mindfulness
Reverent mindfulnessof an awakened Buddhaalso reverently awakensyour Buddha-nature.
Verse On Four Immeasurable Minds 四无量心偈
慈愿快乐,悲拔不乐,喜随同乐,舍愿等乐。 Loving-kindness wishes happiness,compassion removes unhappiness,rejoice accordingly together has happiness,equanimity wishes all equal happiness.
[24] The Parable Of Planting Roasted Sesame Seeds From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之种熬胡麻子喻
昔有愚人,生食胡麻子以为不美,熬而食之为美,便生念言:「不如熬而种之,后得美者。」 In the past, there was a foolish person, with raw eating of sesame seeds, with them as not delicious, and with roasting then eating them as delicious. He...
Strive On
As long as we are not yet Buddhas,(and not yet in Pure Land),with this precious and short human life,may we keep learning and practising the Dharma.
Verse On Cultivating And Learning 修学偈
学佛非佛学:学佛学作佛;佛学做学问;修学修与学。 Learning from the Buddha is not the same as having Buddhist studies: learning from the Buddha is learning to become a Buddha; having Buddhist studies is to learn...
[23] The Parable Of The Thief Stealing Brocade To Use For Wrapping Felt And Coarse Hemp Cloth From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之贼偷锦绣用裹氀褐喻
昔有贼人入富家舍偷得锦绣,即持用裹故弊氀褐种种财物,为智人所笑。 In the past, there was a thief who entered a wealthy family’s abode, stealing to get brocade, immediately holding to use it, to wrap old and damaged felt...
The Disappointment Paradox
Only be disappointedfor not learningfrom being disappointed.
Which Person In Which River? 何河何人?
从来无有人,再踏入同河。因河非同河,而人非同人。 — 赫拉克利特No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.— Heraclitus 人空即我空,五蕴皆是空。河空即法空,四大皆是空。 The person being empty is the...
Have You Heeded The Five Heavenly Messengers’ Warnings Yet? 五位天使的警告您听了吗?
Warned by the deva messengers,those ‘youths’ who are heedlessgrieve for a long, long time—[as] people entering a lower state. — The Buddha(Devadūta Sutta) In the Devadūta...
[22] The Parable Of Entering The Ocean To Take Water-Sunken Incense From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之入海取沉水喻
昔有长者子,入海取沉水积有年载,方得一车持来归家。 In the past, there was an elder’s son, who entered the ocean to take water-sunken incense (i.e. agarwood) that was accumulated for years, then getting a carriage to...
Four Lys
See clearly,think carefully,speak kindlyand act rightly.
[21] The Parable Of The Woman Desiring Again To Seek A Child From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之妇女欲更求子喻
往昔世时有妇女人,始有一子更欲求子,问余妇女:「谁有能使我重有子?」 When in a past period, there was a women, first having a child, again desiring to seek another child, asked other women, ‘Who has the ability to cause me to...
The Only Complaint
Only complain about yourselffor only complaining about others. Never mistakemere complaintsas actual solutions.
All Bodhisattvas’ Thirty-Eight Wonderful Practices’ Causes And Effects 诸菩萨三十八妙行之因果
忍辱得端正,施莲花化生,法施知宿命,汝当如是解。…修心得三昧,忍获陀罗尼,敬重于众生,发言人信受。…不谄得正念,巧观智慧生,尊重所修行,护法心坚固。…由施得诸相,行慈获随好,等心于众生,观者无厌足。… With patience attains uprightness, with giving from a lotus flower manifesting birth, and with the...
Three Existential Queries On Life And The Universe
Question [1]: How did the universe (宇宙) and life (生命) come into existence? Answer: According to the Buddha’s teachings, due to the natural law of impermanence (i.e. 无常: constant change), the...
Choose Your Battles Well
If you do not chooseyour meaningful battles,others’ meaningless battlesmight choose you.
[20] The Parable Of A Person Saying A King Is Recklessly Brutal From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之人说王纵暴喻
昔有一人说王过罪,而作是言:「王什暴虐治政无理。」 In the past, there was a person who spoke of a King’s faults and transgressions, then making this statement, ‘The King is extremely brutal, with his governance...
Be indifferentto what you shouldbe indifferent to. Make a differenceto what you shouldmake a difference to.
[19] The Parable Of Riding A Ship And Losing An Alms Bowl From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之乘船失釪喻
昔有人乘船渡海,失一银釪堕于水中,即便思念:「我今画水作记,舍之而去后当取之。」 In the past, there was a person riding a ship crossing the ocean, where he lost a silver alms bowl, with it falling within the water. He immediately thought...
[18] The Parable Of Accommodating Stairs To Sharpen A Knife From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之就楼磨刀喻
昔有一人,贫穷困苦为王作事,日月经久身体羸瘦。王见怜愍,赐一死驼。 In the past, there was a person, who was poor, with hardship and suffering, for the King doing work. With days and months long passing, his body became thin and weak...
[17] The Parable Of The Debt Of Half A Coin From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之债半钱喻
往有商人贷他半钱久不得偿,即便往债。 In the past, there was a merchant who lent another person half a coin. For long, not getting it repaid, he immediately went to collect the debt. 前有大河,雇他两钱然后得渡,到彼往债竟不得见,来还渡河复雇两钱。 As...
[16] The Parable Of Irrigating Sugar Cane From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之灌甘蔗喻
昔有二人共种甘蔗,而作誓言:「种好者赏,其不好者当重罚之。」 In the past, there were two persons together planting sugar cane, then making this vow, saying, ‘That person who plants well will be rewarded, and for that who...
Verses On Natural And Man-Made Disasters 天灾人祸偈
天灾人祸偈Verses On Natural And Man-Made Disasters 天灾即人祸:贪心生水灾;嗔心生火灾;痴心生风灾。Natural disasters are the same as man-made disasters:with the greedy mind giving rise to water disasters;with the angry mind...
[15] The Parable Of The Doctor Giving The King’s Daughter Medicine To Enable Hastening Of Growing Up From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之医与王女药令卒长大喻
昔有国王产生一女,唤医语言:「为我与药立使长大。」 In the past, there was a country’s King who gave birth to a daughter, who called a doctor, saying, ‘For my daughter, give medicine that will immediately enable...
Why Is Āmítuófó’s Pure Land The Most Interesting Place? 为何阿弥陀佛的净土是最有趣之处?Why Is Pure Land Not Boring At All 为何净土一点都不无聊
令我作佛,国土第一。其众奇妙,道场超绝。 — 过前法藏菩萨;现在阿弥陀佛《无量寿经》法藏因地第六 If I become a Buddha, my [Pure] Land will be the foremost. Its assembly will be unique and wonderful, in a place for realising the path surpassing. —...
[14] The Parable Of Killing The Merchants’ Leader To Offer A ‘Heavenly God’ From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之杀商主祀天喻
昔有贾客欲入大海,入大海之法要须导师然后可去,即共求觅得一导师,既得之已相将发引至旷野中。 In the past, there were merchants who desired to enter the great ocean. As for the method of entering the great ocean, there must be a guiding teacher...
[12] The Parable Of Roasting Black Rock Candy From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之煮黑石蜜浆喻
昔有愚人煮黑石蜜,有一富人来至其家。时此愚人便作是念:「我今当取黑石蜜浆与此富人。」 In the past, there was a foolish person roasting black rock candy, when there was a rich person coming, arriving at his house. Then, this foolish person...
[11] The Parable Of The Brahmin Who Killed His Son From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之婆罗门杀子喻
昔有婆罗门自谓多知,于诸星术种种技艺无不明达,恃己如此,欲显其德,遂至他国,抱儿而哭。 In the past, a Brahmin personally called himself to have much knowledge, to be with all of astrology’s all kinds of skills, without that not...
[10] The Parable Of The Three-Layered Storeyed Building From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之三重楼喻
往昔之世,有富愚人痴无所知,到余富家见三重楼,高广严丽轩敞踈朗,心生渴仰即作是念:「我有财钱不减于彼,云何顷来而不造作如是之楼?」 In a period of the past, there was a rich and foolish person, ignorant without that known, who reached another rich person’s...
Brief Introduction To The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》简介
After studying the Sūtra Treasury (经藏), having selected those deemed as the most important parables, the Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》was compiled by the Elder Saṅghasena (尊者僧伽斯那) in Central...
[8] The Parable Of The Qiāng Mountain Person Who Stole From An Official Storehouse From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之山羗偷官库喻
过去之世有一山羗,偷王库物而远逃走。尔时国王遣人四出推寻捕得,将至王边。 In a period of the past, there was a Qiāng mountain person, who stole a King’s storehouse’s property and to far away escaped. At that time, the...
[7] The Parable Of Recognising A Person As One’s Brother From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之认人为兄喻
昔有一人形容端正智慧具足,复多钱财,举世人闻无不称叹。 In the past, there was a person with appearance upright, and wisdom complete, also with much money and wealth, whom people throughout the world, when hearing of him, are...
[6] The Parable Of Having A Son Dead, Desiring To Leave And Put Him At Home From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之子死欲停置家中喻
昔有愚人养育七子,一子先死。时此愚人见子既死,便欲停置于其家中,自欲弃去。 In the past, there was a foolish person who nurtured seven sons, with one son first dying. Then, this foolish person, seeing that since the son has died, then...
To Await Or Create The Ideal Karma?
Question: May I be a full Buddhist vegan soon… if my karma is good enough. Answer: It is better to go beyond hope, by actively choosing to consume with more compassion and wisdom each...
[5] The Parable Of The Thirsty Seeing Water From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之渴见水喻
过去有人,痴无智慧,极渴须水,见热时炎谓为是水,即便逐走至辛头河,既至河所对视不饮。 In the past, there was a person, ignorant without wisdom. Extremely thirsty needing water, seeing ‘flames’ when hot [i.e. mirage], regarding...
[4] The Parable Of The Wife Who Cheated And Pretended To Be Dead From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之妇诈称死喻
昔有愚人,其妇端正,情甚爱重;妇无直信,后于中间共他交往,邪淫心盛欲逐傍夫舍离己婿,于是密语一老母言:「我去之后,汝可赍一死妇女尸安着屋中,语我夫言,云我已死。」 In the past, there was a foolish person, whose wife looked upright, to whom he had affection extreme and love heavy...
[3] The Parable Of With Pears Hitting Breaking The Head From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之以梨打头破喻
昔有愚人头上无毛,时有一人以梨打头,乃至二三悉皆伤破,时此愚人默然忍受不知避去。 In the past, there was a foolish person, with his head above without hair. Then, there was a person, with pears hitting his head, and even doing so, twice...
[2] The Parable Of The Foolish Person Collecting Cow Milk From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之愚人集牛乳喻
昔有愚人将会宾客,欲集牛乳以拟供设,而作是念:「我今若豫于日日中(上殻+下牛)取牛乳,牛乳渐多卒无安处,或复酢败。不如即就牛腹盛之,待临会时当顿(上殻+下牛)取。」 In the past, there was a foolish person, who will be meeting guests, desiring to collect cow milk, with it planning...
[1] The Parable Of The Foolish Person Eating Salt From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之愚人食盐喻
昔有愚人至于他家,主人与食嫌淡无味,主人闻已更为益盐。既得盐美,便自念言:「所以美者缘有盐故,少有尚尔况复多也?」愚人无智便空食盐,食已口爽返为其患。 In the past, there was a foolish person who reached the house of another person, where the host gave him food, that he...
Verse On Learning And Questioning 学问偈
为求学问,要学要问。有学无问,非全学问。 For seeking knowledge [i.e. learning and questioning],there must be learning and questioning.Having learning without questioning,this is not complete knowledge. — Shilashanti
Far Depart From Wrong Views & Jealousy 远离邪见与嫉妒
受彼邪见言,当堕诸恶道,嫉妒痴浊故,则失于善心。恶见三毒缘,如是贪增长,颠倒痴心故,远离诸佛法。 无量千万劫,难得闻佛名,父应于佛所,深生清净信。 月光童子妹月上《德护长者经》 Accepting those wrong views’ words,will there be fall into all evil paths,and with...
Does Astrological Phenomena Affect Our Well-Being? 星宿会影响我们的幸福吗?
If your destinyis cast in the stars,what are you striving for? … — Shilashanti (Part 1) 摘要于《优婆塞戒经》净三归品第二十Excerpt From ‘Upāsakā Precepts’ Sūtra’s Chapter Twenty On Pure...
There is no timeat allto despair now.Despair nowwill lead tomore despair later. It is timeto just dowhat to be done now.
From More Invitations To More Notices
If life ends in death,and death The older,the more marriage invitations,of people coming together. The even older,the more wake notices,of people departing from one another. Yet even older,the more...
Is Coffee After Mealtime Permitted On Eight Precepts’ Days?
Question: Having committed to the Eight Precepts, is it permissible to drink coffee after mealtime? Answer: Although different Buddhists might have different views on this, according to the spirit of...
Waters With Moon, Sky Without Clouds 水有月,天无云
千江有水千江月,万里无云万里天。 宋朝•雷庵正受 A thousand rivers with watersare a thousand rivers with the moon.Ten thousand miles without cloudsare ten thousand miles with the sky. Sòng Dynasty’s Léi’ān...
Immeasurable Haiku
Immeasurable suffering from rebirth hereor immeasurable bliss from rebirth in Pure Land?Choose.
See Others’ Buddha-Nature (With Yours)
See things as how they are now.See things for how they can be too.— Shilashanti ‘Don’t wear coloured glasses.‘ It is a strong admonishment against judging people based only on...
Sunset’s Impermanence Verse 日没无常偈
人间匆匆营众务,不觉年命日夜去。如灯风中灭难期,忙忙六道无定趣。未得解脫出苦海,云何安然不惊惧?各闻强健有力时,自策自励求常住。 — 净土宗二祖善导大师《往生礼赞偈》 In this human world hurriedly managing many matters, unconsciously our lifespans by day and night depart. Like a...
Leaving The Household Life To Realise The Fruit 出家证果
辞亲出家,识心达本,解无为法,名曰沙门。常行二百五十戒,进止清净,为四真道行,成阿罗汉。阿罗汉者,能飞行变化,旷劫寿命,住动天地。次为阿那含。阿那含者,寿终灵神上十九天,证阿罗汉。次为斯陀含。斯陀含者,一上一还,即得阿罗汉。次为须陀洹。须陀洹者,七死七生,便证阿罗汉。爱欲断者,如四肢断,不复用之。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第一章 Those who personally take...
Severing Desires And Ending Seeking 断欲绝求
出家沙门者,断欲去爱,识自心源。达佛深理,悟无为法。內无所得,外无所求。心不系道,亦不结业。无念无作,非修非证。不历诸位,而自崇最,名之为道。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第二章 Those who have left the household life to be Śramaṇas, sever their desires and eradicate attachments, to...
Cut Attachments And Eradicate Greed 割爱去贪
剃除须发,而为沙门。受道法者,去世资财,乞求取足。日中一食,树下一宿,慎勿再矣。使人愚蔽者,爱与欲也。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第三章 Shaving to rid beard and hair, then as Śramaṇas. Those receiving the path’s Dharma, eradicate worldly goods and wealth, with...
Good And Evil Both Explained 善恶并明
众生以十事为善,亦以十事为恶。 何等为十?身三、口四、意三。身三者,杀盗淫。口四者,两舌、恶口、妄言、绮语。意三者,嫉恚痴。如是十事,不顺圣道,名十恶行。是恶若止,名十善行耳。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第四章 Sentient beings are with ten matters as good, likewise with ten matters as evil. What are...
Transforming The Heavy To Be Light 转重令轻
人有众过,而不自悔,顿息其心,罪来赴身,如水归海,渐成深广。若人有过,自解知非,改恶行善,罪自消灭,如病得汗,渐有痊损耳。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第五章 If a person has many misgivings, yet not personally repenting, to instantly cease that mind, transgressions will come...
Return To Original Nature By Meeting The Path 返本会道
博闻爱道,道必难会。守志奉道,其道甚大。— 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第九章 Widely listen to and treasure the path,as the path is definitely difficult to meet.Guard your aspiration for receiving the path,as that path is extremely great...
With Joy Giving Obtaining Blessing 喜施获福
佛言:「睹人施道,助之欢喜,得福甚大。」沙门问曰:「此福尽乎?」佛言:「譬如一炬之火,数千百人,各以炬来分取,熟食除冥,此炬如故,福亦如之。」 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第十章 Buddha said, ‘Observing people practising giving’s path, and supporting them joyfully, attains blessings...
Raising Of Difficulties For Diligent Cultivation 举难勤修
人有二十难。[1] 贫穷布施难。[2] 豪贵学道难。[3] 弃命必死难。[4] 得覩佛经难。[5] 生值佛世难。[6] 忍色忍欲难。[7] 见好不求难。[8] 被辱不瞋难。[9] 有势不临难。[10] 触事无心难。[11] 广学博究难。[12] 除灭我慢难。[13] 不轻未学难。[14] 心行平等难。[15] 不说是非难。[16] 会善知识难。[17] 见性学道难。[18] 随化度人难。[19]...
Asking About The Path And Past Lives 问道宿命
沙门问佛:「以何因緣,得知宿命,会其至道?」佛言:「净心守志,可会至道。譬如磨鏡,垢去明存。断欲无求,当得宿命。」 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第十三 章 A Śramaṇa asked the Buddha, ‘With what cause [and] condition, attains knowledge of past lives, and understanding...
Asking About Good And Greatness 请问善大
沙门问佛:「何者为善?何者最大?」佛言:「 行道守真者善,志与道合者大。 」 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第十四 章 A Śramaṇa asked the Buddha, ‘What is good? What is the most great?’ The Buddha said, ‘Practising the path with guarding of that true is...
Asking About Power And Brightness 请问力明
沙门问佛: 何者多力?何者最明?佛言:忍辱多力,不怀恶故,兼加安健。忍者无恶,必为人尊。心垢灭尽,净无瑕秽,是为最明。未有天地,逮于今日,十方所有,无有不见,无有不知,无有不闻,得一切智,可谓明矣。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第十五章 A Śramaṇa asked the Buddha, ‘What is with much power? What is the most bright...
Renouncing Attachments To Attain The Path 舍爱得道
人怀爱欲不见道者。譬如澄水,致手搅之,众人共临,无有睹其影者。人以爱欲交錯,心中浊兴,故不见道。汝等沙门,当舍爱欲。爱欲垢尽,道可见矣。— 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第十六章 People who cherish attachments and desires do not see the path. For example, like clear water, putting in...
Mindfulness Of Equal Fundamental Emptiness 念等本空
吾法念无念念,行无行行,言无言言,修无修修。会者近尔,迷者远乎。言语道断,非物所拘,差之毫厘,失之须臾。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第十八章 My Dharma is mindfulness without thinking thought, practising without practising practice, speaking without speaking speech...
Your Invincible Summer Despite The Changing Weather
Man is condemned to be free;because once thrown into the world,he is responsible for everything he does.— Jean-Paul Sartre(Being And Nothingness)(tr. Hazel E. Barnes) In Albert Camus’ essay...
Is Dying Younger More Unfortunate?
Better than a hundred yearsin the life of a person who is idle and inactive,is a day in the life of onewho makes a zealous and strenuous effort.— The Buddha(Dhammapada Verse 112) Is dying younger...
Many Evil Demons Will Claim To Be Enlightened Good-Knowing Friends 多恶魔将称得法善知识
此诸众生,去佛渐远。邪师说法,如恒河沙。—《楞严经》All these sentient beings, will leave the Buddha to gradually become distant. Evil teachers who speak the false Dharma, will be like the Ganges River’s sands.— Śūraṅgama...
How Buddhas And Bodhisattvas Use Innumerable Manifestation Bodies To Deliver Sentient Beings At The Same Time 佛菩萨如何以千百亿化身同时度众生
诸菩萨,及阿罗汉,应身生彼末法之中… 终不自言:『我真菩萨、真阿罗汉』,泄佛密因…— 释迦牟尼佛《楞严经》清净明诲章 All Bodhisattvas and Arhats, manifesting bodies to be born within that Dharma-Ending Age…. to the end, not self...
How To Reduce Lust 如何减少淫欲
必使淫机,身心俱断,断性亦无,于佛菩提,斯可希冀。— 释迦牟尼佛《楞严经》清净明诲章If enabling sexual conduct’s intention,in body and mind to be together severed,also without the nature of severance,then of the Buddha’s...
With Wives And Children, More Trapped Than Those In Prisons 妻子甚狱
人系于妻子舍宅,甚于牢狱。 牢狱有散释之期,妻子无远离之念。 情爱于色,豈惮驱驰? 虽有虎口之患,心存甘伏。 投泥自溺,故曰凡夫。 透得此门,出尘罗汉。 — 释迦牟尼佛 《四十二章经》: 第二十三章 People bound to their wives, children and homes, are more trapped than those in prisons. Prisons...
Lustful Desires Obstruct The Path 色欲障道
爱欲莫甚于色。 色之为欲,其大无外。 賴有一矣。 若使二同,普天之人,无能为道者矣。 — 释迦牟尼佛 《四十二章经》: 第二十四章 Of attachments and desires, none is more extreme than lust. With lust as desire, its greatness has no other. Fortunately, there is...
Inscription On ‘Song Of The Mind And Fate’ 题心命歌
心好命又好,富贵直到老。[1] 命好心不好,福变为祸兆。[2] [1] With the mind good and fate (i.e. life circumstances) also good, are wealth and honour until old. [2] With fate good and the mind not good, are blessings changing...
Learning Haiku
Hearing only whatyou want to hear,you will never learn.
Bǎo Níngyǒng Chán Master’s Cautionary Text For Reading Sūtras 保宁勇禅师看经警文
用心来看经。 看经即看心。 Use the mind to see the sūtras. To see the sūtras is to see the mind. — Shilashanti That method of reading sūtras, that younger students must know, is that they should purify their...
Introduction To ‘The Three Great Essentials When Approaching Death’《临终三大要》序文
To prepare to depart well,is to prepare to dwell well.To prepare to die well,is to prepare to live well.— Shilashanti In this world, the most tragic, with nothing more so, is death. Moreover, of...
The Mind Like A Wild Horse Should Not Be Indulged 意马莫纵
慎勿信汝意,汝意不可信。慎勿与色会,色会即祸生。得阿罗汉已,乃可信汝意。— 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第二十八章 Be cautious not to believe your mind, as your mind cannot be believed. Be cautious not to with lust meet, as with lust met, then will...
Right Contemplation To Resist Lust 正观敌色
慎勿视女色,亦莫共言语。若与语者,正心思念:我为沙门,处于浊世,当如莲花,不为泥汙。想其老者如母,长者如姊,少者如妹,稚者如子。生度脫心,息灭恶念。— 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第二十九章 Be cautious not to ee females’ forms, also not with them together speaking. If with those speaking...
Right Contemplation To Resist Lust 正观敌色
慎勿视女色,亦莫共言语。若与语者,正心思念:我为沙门,处于浊世,当如莲花,不为泥汙。想其老者如母,长者如姊,少者如妹,稚者如子。生度脫心,息灭恶念。 — 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第二十九章 Be cautious not to see females’ forms, also not with them together speaking. If with those speaking...
With The Mind Still Are Desires Eradicated 心寂欲除
有人患淫不止,欲自除阴。佛谓之曰:『若断其阴,不如断心。心如功曹,功曹若止,从者都息。邪心不止,断阴何益?』佛为说偈:『 欲生于汝意,意以思想生。二心各寂静,非色亦非行。』佛言:『此偈是迦叶佛说。』— 释迦牟尼佛《四十二章经》: 第三十一章 There was a person who suffered from lust unceasingly, who desired to self...
How Long Or Short Is Life? 生命之长短
佛问沙门:「人命在几间?」… 对曰:「呼吸间。」 佛言:「善哉,子知道矣!」 —《四十二章经》第三十八章 The Buddha asked a Śramaṇa,‘Human life has what duration in between?’…In reply said,‘That of breathing out...
Be Born In Pure Land To Be Without Humans’ 20 Difficulties 生净土而无人二十难
From ‘The Sūtra Of 42 Sections’ 12th Section: Raising Of Difficulties For Diligent Cultivation (《佛说四十二章经》之第十二章:举难勤修): ‘The Buddha said, “Humans have 20 difficulties...
Brightness & Darkness
当明中有暗,勿以暗相遇。当暗中有明,勿以明相睹。明暗各相对,比如前后步。 石头希迁禅师 《参同契》 When in brightness within, there is darkness,but do not with darkness meet it.When in darkness within, there is brightness,but do not with...
Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Eight Great Beings’ Realisations《佛说八大人觉经》
By Later Hàn Dynasty’s Parthian Empire’s Tripiṭaka Dharma Master Ān Shìgāo Translated [Into Chinese] (后汉安息国三藏安世高译): As the Buddha’s disciples, they should...
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Join TheDailyEnlightenment at Telegram: receive a free daily Buddhist Quote,Feature, Q&A, Excerpt or Film Review. 🙏Thank you for forwarding to share this🙏
One Same Buddha-Nature 同一佛性
我肉众生肉,名殊体不殊,原同一种性,只是別形躯。 — 宋黄庭坚 My flesh and other sentient beings’ flesh,have names different but essence not different,originally with the same one kind of nature,only with other shapes and...
Natural Joy
For a person free from remorse, there is no need for an act of will, ‘May joy arise in me.’ It is in the nature of things that joy arises in a person free from remorse. – The...
Will Dharma Learning And Practice Create Obstacles?
The cause of Right Dharma learnt gives rise to the effect of Right Dharma practised and realised. – Shilashanti Is it so, that with when we are keen to learn and practise the Buddha’s teachings...
Cultivate & Uphold Faithful Understanding 修持信解
诸善男子, 汝等当信解 如来诚谛之语。 复告大众, 汝等当信解 如来诚谛之语。 又复告诸大众, 汝等当信解 如来诚谛之语。 – 释迦牟尼佛 《妙法莲华经》 (如来寿量品) ‘All good men [and women], you [and all] others should believe [and] understand [the] Tathāgata’s...
See All Kindly
大慈视一切, 怨亲等无异。 一切有识类, 咸皆知此事。 – 大智度论 (龙树菩萨) [With] great loving-kindness see all [beings], [with] enemies [and] close ones equally without difference. [Of] all kinds [of beings] with consciousness...
Hell, Heaven, Liberation
Those who have ignorance will engage in bad karma and go to hell. Those who have ignorance will create good karma and go to heaven. Those who are wise will go beyond karma, and attain liberation.* –...
Four Seeds To Guard
若不去淫,断一切清净种; 若不去酒,断一切智慧种; 若不去盗,断一切福德种; 若不去肉,断一切慈悲种。 – 净土宗六祖永明大师 《永明延寿禅师全书》 If not departing from lust, this severs all seeds of purity. If not departing from alcohol, this severs all seeds of wisdom...
Should We Offer Food Even Long After Departure?
Question: When offering food during Qingming season and such, many will say aloud – ‘May so-and-so to come and eat.’ Is this right? Answer: There is no need to call anyone by name...
Verses On Stupas
见佛塔时,当愿众生, 尊重如塔,受天人供。 When seeing Buddhist stupas,¹ [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [attain] deep respect like [the] stupas [do], receiving heavenly [and] human beings’ offerings.’²...
Verses On Buddhas
若得见佛,当愿众生, 得无碍眼,见一切佛。 谛观佛时,当愿众生, 皆如普贤,端正严好。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第130-131偈) If attaining sight [of a] Buddha,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, attain [the] unobstructed [Buddha] eye,** [to] see all...
Verses On Summer
盛暑炎毒,当愿众生, 舍离众恼,一切皆尽。 暑退凉初,当愿众生, 证无上法,究竟清凉。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第127-128偈) [During] sweltering summer’s* fierce heat, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, renounce and depart from all...
Verses On Water
洗浴身体,当愿众生, 身心无垢,内外光洁。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第126偈) Washing and bathing the body, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings’ bodies and minds be without defilements,* [with] inside and outside bright and...
Verse On Chanting
讽诵经时, 当愿众生, 顺佛所说, 总持不忘。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第129偈) When chanting sūtras, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, accord with [the] Buddha[‘s teachings] as said, totally retaining* [and] not...
Verse On Wisdom
若入水时, 当愿众生, 入一切智, 知三世等。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第125偈) If entering water, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, enter the [ocean of] all[-knowing] wisdom,* to know [everything in the] three periods**...
Is Lab-Grown Meat Ethical?
Question: Is lab-grown meat (i.e. cultured meat; clean meat; in vitro meat) ethical from the Buddhist perspective? Answer: It must be noted that starter cells from animals are used in the initial...
Verse On Departure
从舍出时, 当愿众生, 深入佛智, 永出三界。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第124偈) [When] from a dwelling coming out, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, deeply enter the Buddha’s [sea of] wisdom, to forever depart from the...
Verse On Dharma-Speaking
若说法时, 当愿众生, 得无尽辩, 广宣法要。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第123偈) If speaking the Dharma,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, attain inexhaustible eloquence, to widely proclaim the Dharma’s essentials.’ –...
Verses On Eating
若饭食时,当愿众生, 禅悦为食,法喜充满。 若受味时,当愿众生, 得佛上味,甘露满足。 饭食已讫,当愿众生, 所作皆办,具诸佛法。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第120-122偈) If eating meals, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [have] meditative bliss as food, [with] Dharma joy...
Verses On Food (2)
得柔软食,当愿众生, 大悲所熏,心意柔软。 得粗涩食,当愿众生, 心无染著,绝世贪爱。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第118-119偈) Attaining tender and soft food, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [by] great compassion as permeated, [have] minds that are...
Verses On Food (1)
若得美食,当愿众生, 满足其愿,心无羡欲。 得不美食,当愿众生, 莫不获得,诸三昧味。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第116-117偈) If attaining delicious food, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, fulfil their aspirations,* [with] minds without envious...
The Buddha When Just A Gardener Sage
Cherry blossoms Scatter at the peak of their beauty – It is much harder for us To fall away from our own Attachment to the world. – Rengetsu The Bodhisattva, a gardener, decides to leave home...
Verses On Moral Shame
见惭耻人,当愿众生, 具惭耻行,藏护诸根。 见无惭耻,当愿众生, 舍离无惭,住大慈道。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第114-115偈) Seeing those with [moral] shame, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [be] complete with [moral] shame [in their] practice...
The Three Bodies Of Buddhas
Everything the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do and not do are expressions of perfect compassion for all. – Shilashanti The Buddhas are described as having three bodies (Trikāya 三身) or aspects of...
Is Sponsoring Of Buddha Images To Create Them?
Question: A Buddhist temple has fund-raising, calling for sponsorship for many small Buddha images in its Buddha hall. Is offering of these Buddha images (供佛像) by donations classified as creating of...
Verses On Reverent Respect
若得恭敬,当愿众生, 恭敬修行,一切佛法。 不得恭敬,当愿众生, 不行一切,不善之法。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第112-113偈) If attaining reverent respect, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [have] reverent respect for cultivating practice, [of] all...
Verses On Almsbowls
若见空钵,当愿众生, 其心清净,空无烦恼。 若见满钵,当愿众生, 具足成满,一切善法。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第110-111偈) If seeing empty almsbowls, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, their minds be [clear and] pure, empty [of and] without...
Verses On Giving
见不舍人,当愿众生, 常不舍离,胜功德法。 见能舍人,当愿众生, 永得舍离,三恶道苦。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第108-109偈) Seeing those not willing to give, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, always never renounce or depart, [from the] supremely...
Verses On Almsfood
入里乞食,当愿众生, 入深法界,心无障碍。 到人门户,当愿众生, 入于一切,佛法之门。 入其家已,当愿众生, 得入佛乘,三世平等。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第105-107偈) Entering villages to request [alms]food, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, enter the profound...
Verse On Hermitages
见处林薮, 当愿众生, 应为天人, 之所叹仰。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第104偈) Seeing [those] residing in forest hermitages, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, be worthy of heavenly [and] human beings’ praise and respect...
Verses On Vices Vs Virtues
若见城廓,当愿众生, 得坚固身,心无所屈。 若见王都,当愿众生, 功德共聚,心恒喜乐。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第102-103偈) If seeing city walls, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, attain firm* bodies, [and] minds without [any] crookedness.’** If...
Verse On Dharma Kings & Princes
若见于王,当愿众生, 得为法王,恒转正法。 若见王子,当愿众生, 从法化生,而为佛子。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第98-99偈) If seeing kings, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, attain as Dharma kings,* [who] constantly turn [the wheel of the] right...
Verses On Elders & Officials
若见长者,当愿众生, 善能明断,不行恶法。 若见大臣,当愿众生, 恒守正念,习行众善。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第100-101偈) If seeing elders, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, be good at clear judgement,* to not practise evil dharmas.’** If seeing...
Verse On Livelihood
见正命人, 当愿众生, 得清净命, 不矫威仪。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第97偈) Seeing those with right livelihoods,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, attain pure livelihoods, [and] not pretend to be awe-inspiring.’** –...
Verse On Orthodoxy
见论议人, 当愿众生, 于诸异论, 悉能摧伏。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第96偈) Seeing those in debates,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, of all heterodox teachings,** all be able to destroy and subdue them.’*** – Manjusri...
Verses On Armour
见著甲胄,当愿众生, 常服善铠,趣无师法。 见无铠仗,当愿众生, 永离一切,不善之业。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第94-95偈) Seeing those wearing armour, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, always wear the armour of goodness,* and approach the Dharma...
Verses On Asceticism & Morality
见苦行人,当愿众生, 依于苦行,至究竟处。 见操行人,当愿众生, 坚持志行,不舍佛道。 — 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第92-93偈) Seeing ascetics, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, rely on ascetic practices,* [to] reach [the] ultimate destination.**’...
Dharma Haiku
The true Dharma will never ever let you down.
Verses On Sramanas & Brahmins
若见沙门, 当愿众生, 调柔寂静,毕竟第一。 见婆罗门,当愿众生, 永持梵行,离一切恶。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第90-91偈) If seeing Sramanas, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, be harmoniously gentle and tranquil,* ultimately [accomplishing the]...
Refuge Haiku
Even if everything is renounced, never forsake the Dharma.
Verse On Gratitude
见报恩人,当愿众生, 于佛菩萨,能知恩德。 见背恩人,当愿众生, 于有恶人,不加其报。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第88-89偈) Seeing persons repaying kindness, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, be able to know...
FAQs On The Pure Land Passport Book
Question: Why is it called so? Answer: As stated in the book’s first section at, ‘As a skilful means to spur interest, this handy book is titled “The Pure...
Always Be Truthful & Disciplined
For your own sake always speak the truth even if it leads to your death or the loss of your sovereignty. Never speak in any other fashion. Devote yourself always to the discipline of acting in accord...
Learning Haiku
It is never too early or too late to learn the Dharma.
True Haiku
Those truly true to themselves, will be truly true to all.
Verses On Adornment
见严饰人,当愿众生, 三十二相,以为严好。 见无严饰,当愿众生, 舍诸饰好,具头陀行。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第78-79偈) Seeing magnificently adorned persons, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [have the] thirty-two forms,* as [their] excellent...
Some Karmic Causes For Our Suffering
Attachment, anger, confusion [greed, hatred (aversion), delusion (ignorance)] and the karma that arises from them are non-virtuous. Non-attachment, non-anger, non-confusion, and the karmas that arise...
Extreme Decisions For ‘Extremis’ Situations?
‘Extremis’ is a documentary on the tough decisions that family members have to make in extremely difficult situations, near moments of potential death of their loved ones. Medical...
Project Patience: How To ‘Fight’ The Fire Of Anger (4th Run)
As featured in the June 2018 issue of ‘For You Information’ Click HERE To Register Praise From Previous Runs: An extremely important course to help oneself to neutralise and transform...
The 48 Great Vows Of Amituofo (7th Run): Boundless Blessings For This Life & The Next
Click HERE To Register Some Participants’ Feedback: I am thankful for what you have done for us in the class. Your immerse knowledge, wisdom and the way you explain makes it so interesting...
Be Not An Animal
畜牲本是人来做, 人畜轮回古到今。 若不披毛并戴角, 劝君休使畜性心。 – 普庵禅师 Livestock [animals] originally were humans, [who have] become [them, as] humans and animals [are] reborn [as one another and other beings from] ancient...
10 Reflections On Repentance
我昔所造诸恶业, 皆由无始贪嗔痴, 从身语意之所生, 一切我今皆忏悔。 – 普贤菩萨 (华严经普贤行愿品) Of all my past created evil karma, all by beginningless greed, anger and delusion, from my body, speech and mind as arisen, for all I now express...
[10] How To Cultivate To Reach Pure Land? 如何修行生净土?
净土十疑论 The Treatise On Ten Doubts About Pure Land 隋天台智者大师著 Written by Sui Dynasty’s Tiantai Tradition’s Great Master Zhizhe (538–597 CE) 优婆塞沈时安英译 Translated to English by Upāsaka Shen Shi’an (2014 CE)...
Foolish Haiku
The foolish imagine the certainty of the wise to be foolish.
Verses On Pleasure
见乐著人,当愿众生, 以法自娱,欢爱不舍。 见无乐著,当愿众生, 有为事中,心无所乐。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第80-81偈) Seeing those attached to [sense] pleasures, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, with the Dharma personally [find spiritual]...
[9] How Do Those Lacking Roots Reach Pure Land From Afar? 缺根者如何从远处生净土?
净土十疑论 The Treatise On Ten Doubts About Pure Land 隋天台智者大师著 Written by Sui Dynasty’s Tiantai Tradition’s Great Master Zhizhe (538–597 CE) 优婆塞沈时安英译 Translated to English by Upāsaka Shen Shi’an (2014 CE)...
Ego Haiku
Only keep dissolving; never hardening the ‘solid’ illusion of ego.
Verses On Joy & Suffering
见欢乐人,当愿众生, 常得安乐,乐供养佛。 见苦恼人,当愿众生, 获根本智,灭除众苦。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第82-83偈) Seeing those who are joyful, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, always attain peace and bliss, [by] joyfully making...
All Great Trees Were Once Small Seeds
Since all good and evil start small, may all nurture even minor good, and never nurture even minor evil. – Stonepeace | Books … [Sakyamuni Buddha said,] ‘Have you ever seen the seed of a...
Introduction To Buddhist Perspectives On Death & Dying
Feedback: ‘Brother Shi’an, thank you for your enlightening talk this evening. It was certainly the most engaging talk we’ve had in a while… Thank you so much once again, and...
Mindfulness Of Buddha Is A Must For Buddhahood
With bad advisors forever left behind, From paths of evil he departs for eternity, Soon to see the Buddha of Limitless Light, And perfect Samantabhadra’s Supreme Vows. – Samantabhadra...
Notice On Reprinting Without Permission
It came to the attention of TDE Press that its latest publication, a fresh English translation of ‘The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra’ (as below) with footnotes had been...
Verse For Lamp-Lighting (点灯偈)
灭除心头火, 提起佛前灯, 愿以大智慧, 照破众无明。 Eradicating the mind’s fires [of greed, hatred and ignorance], lifting up, before the Buddha, [I offer] this lamp, May [I], with great wisdom, illuminate to shatter...
Verse On Cultivation
若见园苑, 当愿众生, 勤修诸行, 趣佛菩提。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第77偈) If seeing gardens [and] parks, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, diligently cultivate all practices, [for the] aspiration [of the] Buddhas’...
How Great Bodhisattvas Complete The Six Perfections
念念离行於施。 念念净行於戒。 念念寂行於忍。 念念续行於进。 念念一行於定。 念念佛行於智。 – 净土圣贤录 (袁宏道, 石头居士篇) Thought to thought with Renunciation is practice of Generosity. Thought to thought with Purity is practice of Morality (Precepts)...
Verse On Sorrow
见无忧林, 当愿众生, 永离贪爱, 不生忧怖。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第76偈) Seeing groves [with trees named] ‘without sorrow’,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, forever depart [from] greedy attachment, [to] not...
Why It Is Wrong To Kill To Celebrate Weddings
Since all crave to live and fear to die for any, may none cause any to live or die fearfully. – Stonepeace | Get Books The fourth point: It is not right to kill [or demand others to kill on...
Waters & Motivations
宁动千江水, 不动道人心。 Rather to move a thousand rivers’ waters, never move the pure motivations of practitioners of the spiritual path. – Buddhist Saying
Verse On Gardens
见修园圃, 当愿众生, 五欲圃中, 耘除爱草。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第75偈) Seeing cultivation of garden plots, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, within the five desires’* garden, weed [to] eradicate attachment’s...
Project Rebirth: Rediscover, Reflect, Recharge (Round 12)
Click HERE To Register Feedback From Previous Rounds: Dear Teacher Shi’an, your interesting talks on Project Rebirth is coming to an end. We have benefited and learnt much from you… I am...
因为位子有限,必须以简讯报名 (不包住宿) Registration by messaging is compulsory for limited spaces (Lodging is not provided) Pictures & Feedback From Past Runs: Tai Pei Buddhist Centre Than Hsiang Temple (Penang)...
Offering Haiku
He just ‘offered’ food to ‘all’ beings, but got mad at a rat looking for scraps.
Verse On Waters
若见流水, 当愿众生, 得善意欲, 洗除惑垢。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第74偈) If seeing flowing waters, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, attain good intentional desires, [to] wash [away] confusions’ defilements.’ –...
Truth Haiku
The truth matters forever as it does not expire, while delusions do.
Verse On Bridges
若见桥道, 当愿众生, 广度一切, 犹如桥梁。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第73偈) If seeing bridge crossings, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, widely deliver all [sentient beings], just as bridges [do].’* – Manjusri Bodhisattva...
Project Connection: Principles Of Classic & Modern Pure Land Testimonials (1st Run)
Click Here To Register Participants’ Feedback: ‘The turnout [for lesson one] was awesome. It simply shows that teacher’s classes are worth attending. Solid two hours of true Dharma...
Verse On Springs
若见涌泉, 当愿众生, 方便增长, 善根无尽。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第72偈) If seeing bubbling springs, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings’ expedient [skilful] means grow, [with] good roots* without exhaustion.’ –...
Understanding Amituofo Via The Amitabha Sutra (20th Run)
Click Here To Register Scene Of Runs At Tai Pei Buddhist Centre: Scenes Of 10th Run At Kong Meng San: Practice of guided mindfulness of Buddha Practice of recitation of sutra once before detailed...
Verse On Wells
若见汲井, 当愿众生, 具足辩才, 演一切法。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第71偈) If seeing drawing [of water from] wells,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [be] complete [with] eloquence, [to] expound all Dharma [teachings].’ –...
Verse On Pond
若见池沼, 当愿众生, 语业满足, 巧能演说。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第70偈) If seeing a pond,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings’ karma of speech be [completely] perfect, [with] skilful ability [in] expounding.’* –...
Verse On Marsh
若见陂泽, 当愿众生, 疾悟诸佛, 一味之法。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第69偈) If seeing a marsh,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, swiftly awaken to all Buddhas’ Dharma of one taste.’* – Manjusri Bodhisattva (Avatamsaka...
Eat Poo-Poo!
Welcome any tests by others with good will, but test not others with ill spirit. – Stonepeace | Books Kyabje Khunu Lama Rinpoche told His Holiness the Dalai Lama that one time, somebody was sitting...
Promise Haiku
Promise to live up to your promises without compromise.
Sight Haiku
The short-sighted and the long-sighted are equally half-sighted.
Verse On Fruit
若见果实, 当愿众生, 获最胜法, 证菩提道。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第67偈) If seeing a fruit, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, attain the supreme Dharma, [to[ realise the Bodhi path.’* – Manjusri Bodhisattva (Avatamsaka...
Fool Haiku
The more foolish think they are more wise than the more wise.
Verse On Shade
见树叶茂, 当愿众生, 以定解脱, 而为荫映。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第64偈) Seeing a tree’s leaves that are lush, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, with concentration [attain] liberation, and with it [attain] shade...
Truth Haiku
The truth is not won by a popularity vote; but by the relatively awakened few.* * at any one point in time in non-Pure Lands
Verse On Thorns
见棘刺树, 当愿众生, 疾得翦除, 三毒之刺。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第63偈) If seeing a thorny tree, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, swiftly be able to cut and eradicate [the] three poisons’* thorns.’ – Manjusri...
Truth Haiku
Pay attention to ‘the truth’; not ‘your truth’ preferred, which might be your delusion.
Verse On Peak
若见高山, 当愿众生, 善根超出, 无能至顶。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第62偈) If seeing a high mountain, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings’ good roots* surpass [it], [to be] unable to reach their peak.’** – Manjusri...
Be The Master Of Yourself
We choose which version of ourselves to be in each and every moment. – Stonepeace | Books The Zen Master Shiyan seated on a stone in meditation often conversed with himself. ‘Master!’ he...
Realisation Haiku
One unsurprised by ‘realisation’, is yet to be enlightened; knowing what already known.
Verse On Reverence
若见丛林, 当愿众生, 诸天及人, 所应敬礼。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第61偈) If seeing a forest monastery,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, [by] all heavenly and human beings, [be] worthy of reverence and veneration.’** –...
Why Denounce Precept-Breaking ‘Buddhist Teachers’?
吾般涅槃后, 汝等当恭敬, 波罗提木叉, 即是汝大师。 –《佛所行赞》 (马鸣菩萨著) After my Parinirvāṇa [i.e. of Śākyamuni Buddha], you and others should have reverent respect, for the Prātimokṣa [i.e. list of precepts governing monastic...
Be Responsible To Criticize Well
The truly kinder and wiser correct the truly deluded, to be truly kinder and wiser. – Stonepeace | Books If one presents the teachings clearly, others benefit. But if someone is supposed to propagate...
Surprise Haiku
What you know, and something about it. Then a surprising insight together!
Verse On Patience
若见大柱, 当愿众生, 离我诤心, 无有忿恨。 — 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第60偈) If seeing huge pillars,* [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, depart from self-centred contentious minds, [to be] without anger and hatred.’** —...
Verse On Assemblies
若见众会, 当愿众生, 说甚深法, 一切和合。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第59偈) If seeing masses* assembling, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, speak the extremely profound Dharma, [and with] all be harmonious.’** – Manjusri...
Meaning Haiku
Not seeking greater meaning, this is all life is (again), with death coming (again).
Verse On Dangerous Paths
若见险道, 当愿众生, 住正法界, 离诸罪难。 – 文殊菩萨 (华严经: 净行品: 第58偈) If seeing dangerous paths, [reflect that] ‘May sentient beings, abide in the realm of right Dharma,* [and] depart from all difficulties from...