[1] Calmness: The more chaotic and panicky the rest of the crowd is, the more personal calmness there has to be, for finding a method to make sense of and survive the madness. The world might by noisy but you should not be, unless you are distracting the enemies or calling for help after careful calculation.
[2] Clarity: The lack of a clear mind (arising from calmness), especially in this confused world can prove deadly… physically in terms of injury and death, and mentally in terms of losing your mind to personal fears and mass hysteria.
[3] Focus: It is possible to speak and listen under noisy rain or a running fountain. What needed is focus despite the constant background noise. This applies to all other scenarios too. We can choose what to block out and what to zoom in to.
[4] Silence: It is easier to first make your mind quieter to find a quiet place. It is harder to find a quiet place with a noisy mind, because it tends to go unnoticed. While this is possible, it is increasingly challenging in this noisier and noisier world.
[5] Disaster: This film is about fictitious alien invasion, but it is also a placeholder for any other real disaster and difficulty that we might encounter. After all, all disasters require similar factors like calmness and clarity above for the best possible outcome.
[6] Life: In the face of others’ impending deaths, even a jaded dying person can learn to treasure life more deeply, to make a difference before time runs out. However, there is a fine line between cherishing this life and being attached to this expiring life, that should not be crossed.
[7] Death: With monsters or not, we are all dying in time now, as the unseen ‘demon’ of death is creeping ever closer towards us. Let us all be vigilant and prepared, physically and most of all, spiritually.
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