In the past, there was a person, with walking coming to be thirsty and exhausted. Seeing a wooden bucket, within having pure flowing water, he right away then drank it. Having drunk the water already, he immediately raised his hand and spoke to the wooden bucket, saying, ‘As I have already drunk completely, may the water not come again.‘
Although having made this statement, the water flowed as before. He then angrily said, ‘As I have already drunk completely, and have told you not to come, why are you still coming?‘
There was a person, seeing him, saying, ‘You have great ignorance, without having any wisdom! Why do you not leave, instead of speaking words about not coming?’ He was then by him driven away, pulled to another place.
People of the world are likewise thus, for the cycle of birth and death thirsting with attachment, having drunk the five desires’ salty water, already by the five desires as those wearied, they are like that person, having drunk enough, then making this statement, ‘You, sights, sounds, smells and tastes, do not come again, to make me see you.’
[Note 1: With craving for pleasures from the five desires (五欲) (for wealth, sex, fame, food and sleep [财色名食睡]), they do not give rise to lasting satisfaction. They lead to more craving, just as drinking salty water cannot quench thirst, only worsening it. Yet, too much of them does become sickening, then with craving for them to ‘end’. However, when the sickening feeling has dissipated and is forgotten, there is craving for them again.]
However, with these five desires in continuous succession uninterrupted, since seeing them already, then again becoming angry, ‘Having told you to quickly cease and not again arise, why are you still coming, making me see you?’
Then, there was a wise person, who then said these words, ‘If you desire to get those cut off, you should gather your six passions, to close your mind’s thoughts, and false thoughts will not arise, then attaining liberation. Why must there be those not seen, and the desire to make them not arise?‘ Like that foolish person drinking water equally, without having differences.
[Note 2: Although abstaining from the five desires when needed is wise, the way to overcome the five desires is not to physically rid the objects of desire, but by gathering all six roots (都摄六根) (of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and thought [眼耳鼻舌身意]) for purification, to prevent the six passions (六情) or forms of attachment from arising. The easiest way to do so is to be mindful of Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) name with pure mindfulness in continuous succession (净念相继). Thus will craving for these desires fade away and eventually cease.]
All Hundred Parables: