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Be The Master Of Yourself

We choose which version
of ourselves to be
in each and every moment.

– Stonepeace | Books

The Zen Master Shiyan seated on a stone in meditation often conversed with himself.

‘Master!’ he called to self.
‘Uh!’ self replied.
‘Wake up, from now on, don’t be deceived by others!’
‘Of course not, of course not!’

(Compendium Of Five Lamps)

The ‘Master’ that Shiyan called to is our life’s true self, our ‘original mind and true nature’. We must warn our self not to be changed by [pursuing of ‘others’] – the external material, and not to become a puppet of a spinning top [fiercely lashed by the whip of desire to keep spinning]. When you become your own master, you can freely arrange your time and life. The loss of original mind and true nature leads to pursuit of the external material world, of itself causes further loss of the original mind and true nature.

Chinese Zen: A Path To Peace And Happiness
Wu Yansheng (Translated By Tony Blishen)

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