From Jenny Koh:
‘Hi, thank you for sharing the books. These 2 books (“The Stonepeace Book: Vol 1 & 2”) are indeed inspirational and original. Anyone can easily pick up and use any of the “sayings” as a daily “mantra” for living a more meaningful life. Indeed, it definitely takes one with clear mindfulness and purpose to be able to pen such truly inspirational thoughts on paper as such crisp “notes”, to enable all to easily read, appreciate and grasp their meanings instantly!
The moment I flipped the first page, I just couldn’t put it down… until I finished reading both books. The “sayings” are so true, short and easy to quote. Best of all, they are highly relevant in today’s society! As I was reading, I was already mentally making a count of how many sets I would order to give to all my relatives and friends. This set of books take centre stage in my collection of books catergorised under “Collector’s Items” in my library, where they will ALWAYS stay, as they will remain relevant now and for all future generations. Three cheers for yet another fantastic written production.’ (Jenny ordered 10 more sets after sharing this review.)
From Audrey:
‘Each statement in “The Stonepeace Books” is an excellent reminder to always be mindful of our thoughts, words and actions, to reflect on them, so that we can learn to become better. As Stonepeace said, “While we beget what we deserve in this moment, we owe it to ourselves to be better in this moment too.”‘
From Sis. Bita (Vice-President of Buddhist Fellowship, Singapore):
‘What a great gift in the mail today! Thank you Bro. Shen Shi’an! I’ll savour these gems of wisdom! Sadhu sadhu sadhu for your great efforts! Sabba Satta Sukhi Hontu… I’ve just finished Book 1! Starting soon on Book 2…. Will tell you all about it!’
‘No doubt that Stonepeace is my daily dosage of inspiration.’
From Shannon:
‘With ease of carrying these handy books around, and beautiful glossy covers, the Stonepeace compilations offer much needed food for thought and introspection. The inspirational sayings not only serve as gentle reminders applicable to our daily living, but also stark pointers important to our spiritual cultivation. Thank you for sharing these wonderful words of wisdom. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!’
From Han Kok Kwang (Bestselling author of ‘So What If You Don’t Have A Degree?’ & ‘No Job? No Problem!’):
If you need a good mental work out, check out the Stonepeace book collection (Vol.1 & 2). Like any worthwhile journey, the first step is always the toughest. But start you must. It can be mentally taxing after a few verses. Rest if you need, but keep going. Reflect often on what you have read, and practise them even more. When you are through with the quotations, a new clarity of mind emerges. You will begin to see the world in HD, as it should be. Highly recommended, especially for those aspiring to take the Bodhisattva path.
From Jeffrey Koh:
‘Hello Shi’an, “The Stonepeace Book: Vol 1 & 2” are truly inspirational and very refreshing. They are simple, practical and yet come “alive”. A lot of thought have been put into every motivational verse, making each so unique and meaningful… with enough food for thought for a long-lasting effect. They are easy to read but contain a more than three-dimensional depth. The meaning of each verse is very valuable and precious. You could feel the joy and warmth of each verse, especially if you share it with the people around you, close friends and loved ones. If more people get to read these books, the world would be a much better place to live in… with more happy people around .
These 2 books are like rare gemstones that I would like to share with my friends. Hence, for a start, I am ordering 50 sets to send to my close friends in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines. I will personally endorse every book with my most sincere wish that they too enjoy my discovery and find them invaluable… Good things are for sharing and we are just doing our very small share to multiply this joy and happiness.’
From Vyvian:
‘What more to say with all the reviews posted here? It often amazes me to see how words of wisdom can be translated into shorter sentences to be more easily “digestible”. Most importantly, the original meaning is not lost. For example:
“One must realise that there’s something wrong with life
before wanting to make it right.
This is the discovery of the First Noble Truth.”
Other than serving as good reminders to our daily life, they can be words of encouragement and motivation. Yet another favourite quote from the book:
“Obstacles are only so
when not overcome
as stepping stones for advancement.”
In addition, these books will definitely be a good start for friends who find going for Dharma classes too heavy. Thank you for compiling these words of wisdom into such handy books!’ : ) Amituofo /
From Choi Pheng:
‘The Stonepeace Book series: a Teacher, a Mirror, a Guide. Teacher – the concise lines teach the Dharma; short and sweet. Delve in and reflect on them deeper, and the teachings of the Buddha on compassion, Four Noble Truths, delusions etc. surface to enlighten. Mirror – flipping through the pages, one journeys through life experiences of words, thoughts, actions and expectations staring back like a mirror. Have you been truly kind, compassionate, generous, egotistic……(and more)? Guide – looking for answers to questions and problems? Turn to the index. They are there neatly categorised for reference. Stonepeace is truly inspired by the Buddha’s wisdom. The readers will be inspired by Stonepeace towards the Buddha’s wisdom.’
From Wai Chong:
‘I find these books very inspiring. Further reading, the words’ profound meanings can be realised within ourselves… Thank you for opening our minds with these books.’
From Meow Lin:
‘Needless to say, the sayings are very inspiring. I find these books very handy and easy to refer to. 100 quotes per volume is about the right number, enough and not too many… As I am not good with words, when friends need help or guidance, I will flip through (using the index) and look for relevant and very useful quotes to send to them.’
From Tuck Khuen:
‘Hi Bro. Shi’an, I am indeed very grateful to you for providing a “one-stop” avenue to all Buddhists who seek to comprehend the Buddha’s teachings for adopting and practising in our daily lives for spiritual enhancement. The latest “Stonepeace Book (Vol 1 & 2)” is another great inspirational work designed with simple, short and easy to comprehend quotes. Though many are obvious truths, they are also simply forgotten if we are not mindful enough. These books provide a convenient means for getting daily reminders for self-reflection. Best of all, quotes are intelligently categorised in the index pages for easy referencing.
To compile 200 meaningful quotes will definitely need a very clear, inspired mind. I must say: “It’s definitely not an easy task, and thus many thanks to you!” I am sure that many of our fellow Buddhists will agree and share my thoughts, and ensure that your devotional works will never be wasted but instead help many sentient beings uplift their lives and guide them to walk the Middle Path. With Metta, Bro. Tuck Khuen’
From Maureen:
‘I find the sayings in these books are very interesting and meaningful. The books may look simple, but the words and phrases definitely make one reflect upon our daily awarenes of body, speech and mind. I am glad to own these books. Rejoice with your hard work.’
From Hock Chye:
‘The first impression that struck my mind, when I first received the books, was the beautiful book cover(s) design depicting the lotus as well as the quality of the paper that the book was printed on. As I started to read and contemplate the words on each page, I am pleasantly surprised how each page comes alive with its self-contained learning and relates to my daily life. I remember someone once said, “It is simple to be happy but difficult to be simple.” In similar essence, I appreciate how the author took time to look deeply into the reality of life and crystallise his wisdom into simple words, which we can all understand and apply.
Being someone who loves reading books and sharing inspirational quotes with my friends, “The Stonepeace Book: Vol 1 & 2” are definitely “must-haves” in my library collection. In my opinion, they are worthy reads that have the potential to change one life at a time with its succinct words of wisdom on every page. It has definitely changed mine. I would love to recommend this book to anyone who loves to reflect on the meaning of life. Congratulations to Bro. Shen Shi’an for adding another inspiring book series to the world.’
From Helen:
‘My gratitude to you for producing these 2 volumes because whenever I read Stonepeace quotes in the TDE-Weekly (The Daily Enlightenment) e-newsletter, I would copy and paste those that are very applicable to me in a Word document, print and stick them on my fridge as a reminder for my self-reflection, repentance and spiritual progress. Most importantly, in this way, my “busy” family members also get to read these inspirational quotes. (Now, there is the convenience of these books.) The size of the books (with 200 more quotes) is handy and light enough to be carried every day in my handbag to read anywhere :)’
From Pway Kheng:
‘Dear Brother Shi’an, thank you for compiling and publishing the inspirational sayings by Stonepeace! It was a great joy reading The Stonepeace Book (Vol. 1 & 2). While some sayings are “oh so true”, some “hit the nail on my head”, some are inspiring, some witty and funny, some… are just simply mind-boggling and unfathomable due to my lack of wisdom. As Stonepeace said:
“Dharma work is to take
some inconveniences upon oneself
to create more conveniences for others
to learn the Dharma.”
Thank you for your hard work! The inconveniences you have taken upon yourself have created conveniences for us to learn the Dharma at a level that we all lay-followers can understand and relate to. It makes Dharma learning a more enjoyable experience. Congratulations! Cheers, Pway Kheng’
From Soren:
‘Thanks for “The Stonepeace Book: Vol 1 & 2”. They are very useful, positive and encouraging – for me, my friends and colleagues. A colleague also asked me to send her message about what I have read to share with her.’
From Gina Lee:
‘The Stonepeace Book: Vol 1 & 2′ are books with great wisdom, where one will be able find the true beauty of life and inspiration through reading. They help us understand how the tree of life can be interlinked, and how wisdom can be spread using these quotes -that are practically applicable to our daily lives. Life is never perfect but we can learn to appreciate the journey and overcome obstacles to progress towards our goals. Stonepeace helps us remember the lessons along the way. At times, we might even find new meanings of the quotes to our life as we reflect.’
From Jinzhu:
‘The Stonepeace Books Vol 1 & 2… are great books to read and review again and again. They make you ponder… and guide you to right thoughts, etc.’
From TKH:
‘A pleasant surprise to see my all-time favourite quote appearing at the beginning and end of both books.’
From Meow Lin:
‘Very surprised and happy to receive the Stonepeace postcards [as an early bird winner]. Yes, I enjoyed reading the Stonepeace books. Thank you.’
From Seck Hong:
‘Thank you for the Stonepeace postcards. The sayings help us to be aware of our present day living… and they provide us with good guidance for our daily living. May you continuously enjoy good health and continue sharing your wisdom with us. With metta, Brother Seck Hong’
From Kok Leong:
‘… a good effort to compile the books. Another good work was the postcards. Simply well designed and I will be pasting them together to make a poster!’
From Jocelyn:
‘The books are handy and the cover are pretty nice. The quotes are short and meaningful. Will share them with my Buddhist friends.’
From Andrew:
‘The books are easy to read and interesting. So, they should appeal to all readers. I read it fast and have given them to one of my relatives as the sharing of the Dharma is the greatest of all gifts.’
From Shi’an:
Commentary on 3 sayings in ‘The Stonepeace Book: Vol.1’
Commentary on 3 sayings in ‘The Stonepeace Book: Vol.2′
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Stonepeace Volumes 1 & 2: They are great books to read and review again and again. They make you ponder sometimes and guide you to right thoughts, etc.
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A pleasant surprise to see my all time favorite quote to appear at the beginning and end of both books.
Thanks for appreciating it. It’s there because it’s a very important quote!