In the past, there was a great wealthy elder, with people on his left and right, desiring to obtain his favour, who are all completely reverent to him. When the elder spat, these left and right attending persons with their feet stepped on and wiped it away.
There was a foolish person, not as good in getting to step on it, then making this statement, ‘If that spat on the ground is by many people stepped on and wiped away, when he is about to spit, I will first step on him.’
Thereupon, when the elder was just about to cough and spit, then, this foolish person immediately raised his leg and stepped on the elder’s mouth, splitting his lips and breaking his teeth.
The elder spoke to the foolish person, saying, ‘You, with what reason stepped on my lips and mouth?’
The foolish person replied, saying, ‘If the elder spits out of his mouth, with it falling to the ground, those on the left and right flattering already get to step on and wipe it off. I, although desiring to step on it, often cannot do this in time. With this reason, when your spit is about to come out, raising my foot to first step on it, hoping to get your favour.’
As all matters must be timely, with the time yet to be reached, to forcibly establish efforts and strength instead gets suffering and afflictions. With this reason, the world’s people should know what is timely and not timely.
[Note: Diligence should be applied appropriately in the right ways, at the right times and right places. Otherwise, even great diligence might not lead to ideal results, leading to great harms instead.]
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