For example, there is a person polishing a big rock with diligence, additional labour and strength, going through days and months making a small toy cow, with use of efforts thereupon heavy, and that hoped for extremely light.
People of the world are likewise thus. That polishing of the big rock is analogous to, for learning, with concentrated diligence toiling with suffering, and that making of the small cow is analogous to, for fame, with each other disputing on rights and wrongs.
They are those for that of learning, studying and contemplating the subtle and extensive to be proficient with much knowledge, who should travel far to seek the supreme fruit, then seeking fame and honour, with arrogance and pride, increasing in faults and suffering instead.
[Note: If much time and efforts are going to be expended, they should be spent for attaining that which is spiritually substantial. There should be ‘eyes on the (true) prize’, not being distracted to settle for less, or something else superficial, that is opposite of the goal in mind.]
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