[1] Purification: Buddhism is not just about avoiding some evil and doing some good. It is also about complete moral purification, perfecting compassion, wisdom and skilful means for all.
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates full purification most efficiently.)
[2] Enlightenment: Buddhism is not just about doing some worldly charity. It is also about receiving, supporting and sharing world-transcending Dharma education, for practising towards full awakening.
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates complete education and enlightenment most efficiently.)
[3] Liberation: Buddhism is not just about learning principles and meditative practices for some relaxation and self-improvement. It is also about increasing concentration and insight, training for complete freedom.
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates perfect liberation most efficiently.)
[4] Deliverance: Buddhism is not just about helping the living. It is also about guiding and supporting deliverance of the dying and deceased.
(Āmítuófó facilitates deliverance most efficiently.)
[5] Universality: Buddhism is not just about benefitting human beings. It is also about helping all other sentient beings, including bardo beings, wandering spirits, hell-beings, hungry ghosts, animals, asuras and gods equanimously.
(Āmítuófó benefits all beings most efficiently.)
[6] Transcendence: Buddhism is not just about making this world a better place. It is also about guiding one another to transcend here, for reaching the best place to master spiritual perfection, before continuing betterment.
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates transcendence and mastery most efficiently.)
[7] Non-Retrogression: Buddhism is not just about taking care of this one life. It is also about ensuring we do not spiritually backslide in the next life due to existential forgetfulness (which we suffer from in this life).
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates retention of memories and ensures non-retrogression most efficiently.)
[8] Progression: Buddhism is not just about improving this one short life. It is also about reaching the purest world to progress in purification in the next life.
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates progression most efficiently.)
[9] Urgency: Buddhism is not just about taking one’s time to live in the moment. It is also about waking up to the impermanence and unpredictability of this short life as soon as possible, to have a sense of urgency to learn and practise diligently now.
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates spiritual learning and practice most efficiently.)
[10] Salvation: Buddhism is not just about saving oneself by reaching Pure Land. It is also about learning and practising perfectly there, for returning to deliver others swiftly.
(Āmítuófó’s Pure Land facilitates salvation of all most efficiently.)
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