
[39] The Parable Of Seeing Another Person Applying On His House From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之见他人涂舍喻

crop man scarpering gray wall in flat
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.com


In the past, there was a person who went to and arrived at another’s house. Seeing the other’s house’s walls applied and treated, with its floor even and straight, pure and clean, looking extremely beautiful, he then asked him, saying, ‘You used what mix to get them thus beautiful?’


The owner replied, saying, ‘I used rice grains and husks, in water immersed to make them mixed thoroughly, and with mud applied them on the walls, to get them to be thus.’


The foolish person immediately then had this thought, saying, ‘If purely with rice husks, this is not as good as combining with rice grains then using it, as the walls can be more white and pure, with the mud then even and beautiful.’


Then using rice grains and mud, using them to apply on his walls, hoping to get them even and straight, instead with even more highs and lows, with the walls all splitting open.


In vain wasting rice grains, all without benefits, this is not as good as for benefitting giving, that can attain meritorious virtues.


Of ordinary beings’ people, they are likewise thus, hearing noble persons speaking the Dharma on cultivating practices of all good, that with relinquishing of this body already, there can be attainment of births in heavens, and with this have liberation, then killing themselves, hoping to attain births in heavens, and with this have liberation, in vain losing their lives, empty without that obtained, they are like that foolish person.

[Note 1: What can be used as food should not be wasted for personal vain efforts. If there is excess food, it should be offered for others who need it.]

[Note 2: Although creating much good karmas (善业) can lead to heavenly rebirths, whether there is progress towards liberation (解脱) from there will depend on whether there is further cultivation for purification or not.]

[Note 3: It is possible to spiritually retrogress (退转) in most heavens, and even fall from them when past good karmas are exhausted. It is thus safer and easier to practise sincere mindfulness Buddha (念佛) to reach Pure Land (净土), where there will definitely be non-retrogressive progress towards Buddhahood.]

[Note 4: Those foolish might shortsightedly look only at later conditions of effects, and mistake them as their primary causes. Thus might the foolish deludedly think death is the cause for having a heavenly rebirth, when the actual cause is the earlier creating of much good karmas.]

[Note 5: Suicide not only does not lead to a heavenly rebirth, as taking a human life creates much evil karmas (恶业), it might even lead to a hellish rebirth, much less to liberation.]

All Hundred Parables:


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