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All Bodhisattvas’ Thirty-Eight Wonderful Practices’ Causes And Effects 诸菩萨三十八妙行之因果

white concrete statue near red flowers
Photo by 元 某人 on


With patience attains uprightness, with giving from a lotus flower manifesting birth, and with the Dharma giving knowing past lives, you should thus understand… With cultivation of the mind attains samādhi, with forbearance obtains dharanis, and with reverence of sentient beings, spokespersons will be believed and accepted… With not flattering attains Right Mindfulness, with skilful contemplation wisdom arises, and with respect of those cultivated practices, protecting the Dharma’s mind is firm… Due to giving attains all [wonderful] forms, with practising loving-kindness obtains [form-]following excellences, and with equanimous mind for sentient beings, those contemplating will be without weariness…


With sincere words obtains brahmas’ voice, kalaviṅkas from gentle and tactful speech arise, and with departure from frivolous words and double-tongued speech, those seeing will all be joyful… Within all Dharma-giving, not once by obstacles obstructed, due to this thus constantly attaining, encountering of all Thus Come Ones… With pure faith departing from all difficulties, with upholding of precepts born in good realms, and due to practices relying on emptiness, in those places born without laxity… With giving multiplied attains supernormal powers, with instructing accomplishes past lives’ knowledge, and with abandoning of the two extremes, due to this ending all outflows…


With supreme understanding accomplishes pure karmas, with diligence subdues demons, and according with that spoken then cultivating practices, in those places born, leading to being by many loved… With not harming attains long life, with eliminating of others’ worries having less sicknesses, with contested trials able to have harmony and peace, attaining difficult-to-break family members… With not being jealous obtains wealth, without miserliness will resources and instruments increase, and with humility accomplishes honour, having majestic virtue and ease… With constant giving of superior tasting food, fear will be caused to become tranquillity, due to this attaining great power, with might and influence constantly surpassingly excellent…


With giving of light connecting to the heavenly eye, with offering of music accomplishing the heavenly ear, and with far departure from the two extremes, thus obtains understanding of others’ minds… Due to the vow to attain a Pure Land, with forbearance’s power is all accomplished, and with giving of many wonderful treasures’ canopies, attains the halo that shines everywhere… With all those travelled places, cities and villages within, transforming all realms with Bodhi, the Bodhi Mind will not be destroyed… With the supreme aspiration having joy complete, is the non-retrogressing Bodhi Mind, due to this gathering all dharmas, by many as that loved.

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