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The Root Ten Precepts Of All Buddhas And Bodhisattvas’ Practices 一切佛菩萨行之根本十戒

Photo by Magda Ehlers on


Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, there are Ten Unrepentable Precepts, that should be received and should be upheld.

[Note 1: The breaking of these precepts has to be very sincerely repented for, before they can be received again, to be ‘restored.’ Otherwise, they are considered nullified.]


[1] First, is not having killing of humans, and even the twenty-eight heavens’ beings, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. [2] Second, is not having stealing, and even of a blade of grass and leaf. [3] Third, is not having sexual [mis]conduct, and even with non-humans. [4] Fourth, is not having false speech, and even with non-humans. [5] Fifth, is not having speaking of transgressions of those who have left the household life and those in the household life.


[6] Sixth, is not having buying and selling of alcohol. [7] Seventh, is not having self-praising and defaming of others. [8] Eighth, is not having miserliness. [9] Ninth, is not having anger, and even with non-humans. [10] Tenth, is not having slandering of the Triple Gem. 


If having broken these Ten Precepts, as they cannot be repented for, then entering parājikas.

[Note 2: A parājika transgression is a moral defeat due to an extreme evil done, which is likened to having one’s head severed (断头), that cannot be recovered from. See Note [1] for the remedy.]


For ten kalpas within, in one day receiving transgressions’ sufferings of eighty-four thousand kinds, ceasing after eighty-four thousand lives, thus must they not be broken.


Therefore, these Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, will lose the Aspiring Mind’s Abode, and even the Second Abode, Third Abode, and the Ten Grounds, will all be lost.


Therefore, these precepts are the roots of all Buddhas and all Bodhisattvas’ practices. If all Buddhas and all Bodhisattvas, did not follow this Ten Precepts’ Dharma Door, yet attain their virtuous and noble fruits, this is without possibility.


They are from the First Abode, abiding within nature from constant practice as foremost persons. Thus do the next nine persons’ Dharma practices gradually increase and expand, and even to the other nine Abodes, Ten Practices, Ten Dedications, Ten Grounds and Stainless Ground, likewise gradually increasing and expanding with inconceivable practices.


Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, I now, that have briefly spoken of, is like the ocean’s one drop of water.

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