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Reviews Of TDE Books

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‘Hi Shi’an, I am an avid reader of your TDE books and weekly series [of feature articles]. I find them informative and concise, and learnt a lot about Buddhism from them… Hope you could continue your good efforts…’ — Leslie

Hi Bro Shi’an, I am gratified that you’ve published TDE books which are very helpful to all sentient beings (for both Buddhists or non-Buddhists) as many of the articles are very practical and useful for daily self-reflection. For non-Buddhists, they will be guided to live life meaningfully with peace, kindness and wisdom. For Buddhists, we gain more insight into understanding of the teachings with the many quotes, explanations and illustrations carefully detailed in the books. Continued publication of such enlightening books is bound to benefit all beings. I would encourage all readers to help do our part by contributing funds to TDE for printing [at], in support of Bro Shi’an’s great compassion and aspiration to propagate and share such invaluable knowledge. With Metta, Tuck Khuen

‘The Daily Enlightenment’ books contain poems/passages that tackle different daily problems that we face, bringing peace back to you when it seems to be far away. Every read is like a new read even after you’ve completed them, making you wiser and calmer. Regards, J. Yeo

‘The Daily Enlightenment stories illustrate to us how to uncover the hidden Dharma in our daily life through a heightened sense of awareness, observation, reflection and contemplation, hence underscoring the importance of the link between the Buddhadharma and practice.’– Cheng Teik

‘Thank you. I really enjoy and learnt a lot from your “The Daily Enlightenment”. l have been reading it for years daily, just like taking daily food. Sincere thanks to you. Really very good work! Sadhu sadhu sadhu!’ Ivy

‘Thanks for your effort. I have received Book 5. I’ll definitely do my fair share of support for this great effort.’ Nickson

‘Got TDE 5 liao! Thank you for your hard work all these years! Sadhu.’ Shixiong

‘I have finished reading the book. Like it very much… I started reading at night when I received it recently… I [especially] like article 19, 21, 23 and 27 [amongst the 52]. Hope to see Book 6 soon. Amituofo.’ Joyce

‘Hi Shi’an, just curious – all the reflections, experiences and sharing are your written work? [Editor: Yes, other than some in Book 1] Cos I’m impressed.. I make it a point to read at least one article every night before I sleep because it makes me feel more grounded and thus sleep more easily. Thank you for the sharing. Appreciate your effort and time.’ Lina

‘One of very few remaining attachments in my life is daily visits to Buddhanet’s multimedia [version of] The Daily Enightenment! A source of guidance and inspiration! [Editor: The improved version is TDE Book 1 is here]Yuri

‘Need to get one soon.’ – — Jane

‘The Daily Enlightenment Books, in my opinion, are both informative and refreshing. They present interesting day-to-day life perspectives with regard to the Dharma. Often, they offer rather different perspectives on various issues, which we usually do not see. Compliments to all who have contributed and made these enlightening books available to all who aspire to walk the path towards Enlightenment! May all be free from suffering, be well and happy. Amituofo. With Metta, SK Ng’

‘The TDE Book series provide bite-sized Dharma stories for easy reading and digestion. It is a good start for beginner Buddhists and a timely reminder for practising Buddhists. Wenqing

‘The series of TDE books are well written, and are indeed very inspiring, entertaining and meaningful. The articles are relevant, informative, comprehensible, thought-provoking, and are suitable, especially for laypersons seeking Dharma knowledge. The quotes and excerpts are good reflections and serve as constant reminders for our Dharma practice. The more I read, the more am I mindful. I am looking forward to more commentaries relating to sutras in your future releases. Amituofo, Tony

‘Hi Shi’an, I went to a Light Offering & Aspiration Making event today… While circumambulating the compound, we kept reciting “Homage to our Original Teacher, Sakyamuni Buddha”. Towards the end, it dawned on me that there’s another teacher to whom I should send my gratitude as well. Hence this email. Thanks for making Dharma learning easily available here and now. Be it through your Dharma classes or printed books (The Daily Enlightenment Books 1-5, Be A Lamp Upon Yourself). I believe all these means have benefited many (and will continue!) =) With gratitude, Soo Ee

‘What I like about the book are its physical aspects. It is small and light enough to enter my trousers’ pocket. There are enough stories to last a long bus journey from Bedok to Bukit Batok and back. The length of the articles is quite ideal when you are on the move and would like to read something short, light and meaningful. With metta, Vincent

‘The article I like most from TDE Book 5 is ‘The Story Of The Needle Versus The Knife’. Was flipping through the pages and it caught my eye. It made me think of how and why I am determined in trying my best to stick to a vegan diet. Recently, I fell and injured my elbow. One day, a nurse was helping me to remove the solid cast on my hand. She had to use a saw-like cutter machine with an irritating sound to cut it open. I was so afraid that it was going to cut my hand. I can imagine how it’s going to be like for the poor animals waiting to be slaughtered for food.

When I went for acupuncture sessions, I could feel some pain on my skin when the needles are being inserted. Seeing some people with needles all over their bodies, it made me wonder if committing of killing results in poor health? [Editor: Much killing can karmically lead to much poorer health, although poor health is not always due to killing.]

Love this sentence – ‘He remarked that the pain made him think about how much more pain animals have to suffer when they are being slaughtered for human consumption. What he experienced was just the prick of a single thin needle point, and it was already very difficult to endure. How much more horrifically painful it must be, for, say, chickens, who gets their throats slashed with a butcher knife…without any anesthesia!’ … This article serves as a reminder as to why I decided to abstain from meat. Another reason for going vegan is to stay healthy. Amituofo, Sherri

‘The article ‘Contentment’ (in The Daily Enlightenment Book 1) delivered a key message – ‘Contentment is the greatest wealth’, as taught by the Buddha. This is absolutely true. This principle is simple yet one of the most difficult to grasp and understand. Our mind, which is the forerunner of all, is often in a precarious position, dependent on our thoughts. Where do all these thoughts stem from? For the unenlightened, often the 3 poisons – greed, hatred and delusion. The definition of ‘enough’ seems to differ for everyone in different situations. We can’t seem to understand why contentment never seems to be placed in the same position for the human race when it comes to the value of money. As the saying goes, ‘money is never enough’. But I never hear anyone say ‘contentment is not enough’.

As mentioned in the article, ‘Don’t need a car, as public transport is good enough. Apartment is big enough. Salary is ample.’ I often ask myself this question – Why do people want all these? We need basic necessities to survive, anything more than them are wants… But sometimes, having a car does make things convenient, e.g. out of need for medical purposes… but one can still take public transport, right? A house is for staying, the exterior and size do not really matter… but if the upgrading of the house is to accommodate more children and provide a comfortable environment for them to grow up, is this ‘greed’ able to justify and surpass the contentment?[Or would it become a need then?]

The definition of ‘salary is ample’ is even harder to comprehend. We need food to sustain our lives, yes, three meals a day will do… But if money is needed for medical, educational etc. purposes; not for chasing material things, does this need surpass the position of contentment? I guess it will take human race trial-and-errors in this lifetime of ours to fully understand the meaning of contentment, with some achieving this earlier or later, or perhaps, never in this lifetime, but in their next, or next… lifetime.’ Priscilla

‘I have had the good fortune to read The Daily Enlightenment Books 1 – 4 and find myself returning to all four volumes. Not only do I open one of them daily but quite frequently many times during the day. I find them to be both very enlightening and refreshing. As a professor of Religious Studies I have quoted from them during my student lectures. I encourage my students to get the Daily Enlightenment series and make reading them a part of their morning practice. Thank you for putting together such great treasures of knowledge and wisdom.’ David I. Lynch

‘I have just read the article ‘Good & Bad News for You’ (in a TDE book) and would like to thank you for this great article. As I was really upset and disappointed with some people around me lately, after reading your article, did I realise I had actually given my power away, which is the power to choose to be happy. The truth is I do not  have to depend on outside conditions which include how my very own loved ones relate to me.  How true! More often than not, we allow outside conditions to control us and therefore rob us of our True Happiness, which is our divine birthright. Thank you for this enlightening article!  With gratitude, as I have truly
learned a lot from you. May you be well and happy.’ — Doris

‘I usually read the book at the end of the day, after a day’s of hard work, trials and tribulations sometimes… It serves to help me reflect on the day’s journey, renew my emotional resources, and recalibrate my moral compass. Thank you.’ — Ailing

‘Enjoyed reading all the articles.’ — May

‘The Daily Enlightenment (TDE) books are great and light reads, in terms of content and physical weight. They are an excellent source of inspirations on how we can practise the Dharma in our everyday lives. TDE books are just for you if you are unable to finish everything at one go. The many short articles are easily comprehensible yet thought-provoking and insightful. Terrific Dharma books to bring along whenever you go!

I came to read TDE books when I was just a beginner in Buddhism. I must say that TDE books have fuelled my interest in Buddhism because ever since, I have started to read more into depth about Buddhism. For any Buddhist beginners, I would encourage you to read them as I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them myself.

What I really like about TDE books is that the reflections are written in a clear, lucid manner, that I could easily comprehend. Most of all, as a variety of topics on everyday life are covered, I am able to relate to the stories and not get bored from reading. I find that there are always new insights whenever I were to reread them. The reflections have inspired me to lead my life more mindfully and to be more aware of my surroundings, and have given me the chance to view perspectives from a Buddhist point of view. The [Stonepeace] quotes often fascinate me – how they are fun play with words, yet so concise and meaningful.

One such reflection from the latest TDE book 5 changed my perspective when I was suffering from motion-sickness when travelling on a plane one day. As I shut my eyes, I suddenly remembered the article about an experience on the Battlestar Galactica’s Cylon [roller-coaster] ride. And it hit me. I saw that moment as an opportunity to put into practice what I have learnt in words. With my eyes closed, I learnt to let go of my attachment to stability and focused on projecting Amitabha’s image and chanted Amituofo in my mind. The effects were almost immediate as I felt a sense of calm, and became no longer queasy. Subsequently, I have practiced this method and have been successful in overcoming my motion-sickness.

An all-time entertaining book series that continuously inspires us to practise the Dharma diligently in every possible momentThe Daily Enlightenment books are a must to read for practising Buddhists in this modern, hectic world.’ Amituofo, Kai Ying

‘I have just completed reading TDE 4. The short stories/articles share many valuable lessons about life, each to be learnt, internalized and practiced mindfully before true wisdom can be gained. Always bearing in mind the Charter of Free Enquiry [in the Kalama Sutta], I questioned a lot about the practicality and truth behind each lesson.

Incidentally, the apparent ‘contradiction’ about Karma and Attachment struck me. On one hand, Karma suggests that one should always be mindful about his/her action such as to avoid creating negative karma and actively create positive ones. This accordingly will lead to a good rebirth and subsequently aid enlightenment. On the other hand, attachment suggests that we should let go and not hold on too much to something (be it tangible or intangible). Contemplating on both concepts, I feel that too much attachment to karma might not necessarily lead one to true happiness, since one might be doing good for the sake of one’s good karma, not truly to help others. (At least, that is the secondary intention).

The basis of True Happiness, in my opinion, should arise from qualities such as the Four Immeasurables. Pondering on how Buddha gained enlightenment in the first place, he might not have known about Karma beforehand but discovered it along his journey. He might also not have known that there is an end state called enlightenment. What fuels him right from the start is undoubtedly his loving-kindness and compassion for all sentient beings. This unconditional love for all is what we should anchor our practice on.

As much as one should be mindful of his/her thoughts, words, actions and the corresponding karmic links and impact on oneself, he/she should not lose sight of the great aim… that is to look beyond that which points to the truth, to truly see the truth. In the pursuit of happiness, the primary source of motivation should be derived from true altruism – the true unconditional love for all sentient beings. Shi’an, many thanks for all the enlightening Dharma sharing and discussions!’ Just my two cents worth, Han Yang 

‘The first TDE book I came across was way back in 1999. I picked it up on a visit to a monastery on Vesak Day. The tile was ‘The Daily Enlightenment I: Jan-Jun’. The book was written in the format of a journal of a practising Buddhist, reflecting daily life encounters with references to Buddhist teachings. In retrospect, it was a simple read but with not much insights. [The book has since improved and expanded to cover 366 articles as TDE Book 1.]

Almost a decade later, I happen to chance upon the TDE books again. The design and contents differ vastly from the first above. These books appeal to me instantly primarily because of the direct and simple approach in using daily life experiences as a platform in sharing the Dharma. Each and every article is written with an intent of a lesson to be learned and teachings to be practised. The detailed thought given to each subject and the perspectives shared are always enlightening. The [Stonepeace] quotations included at the beginning and end of each article highlight and summarise the article aptly. Many of the quotes are inspirational and insightful and serves as a good guiding principles for applications in our daily lives.  [Look out for Stonepeace Book 1, a compilation of some quotes!]

Given that Buddhist teachings are profound and most reads are rather ‘heavy’, I personally find these books easy to read and comprehend. In fact, I would say that they can well serve as interesting reads for non-Buddhists as well.

I have also noticed that you do film reviews with the objective of sharing them with Dharma perspectives. I personally enjoy reading these reviews very much and most of the time very much impressed by the views and thoughts given to them. [Look out for Dharma@Cinema Book 1, a compilation of some reviews!] Great work and please continue to write and share the Dharma in your own unique ways!’ — Glenda

‘Hi Shi’an – I really admire you. Where do you find the time to do all these? Buddhist literature (in English) has been enriched 10,000-fold through your efforts!’ — Lim Kooi Fong (Founder of

‘I chanced upon The Daily Enlightenment Books 4 & 5 today and I find the Dharma and stories very inspiring. Reading the reflections makes my heart smile and I do really appreciate it.’ — Beng Suan

‘Just Can’t Wait [for TDE 6]t! I love the last 5 books of TDE so much! Really inspiring.’ — Yenni

‘I have been a fan of TheDailyEnlightenment. I draw inspiration from your books and articles. Keep up the great work that you are doing!’ : ) — Cindy

‘Started reading my copy. Many useful Dharma lessons and kindly reminders. SADHU, SADHU, SADHU.’ — Dr Henry Yeo (Buddhist Fellowship)

‘I intend to share these wonderful publications with my children who have sought refuge in the Triple Gem.’ — Peter

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  • Hi,

    I am writing this so that i can win a mug !
    I was introduced to the tues talk by Dr. Henry Yeo and it was only last week that i got hold of a copy of TDE (4).
    What i like about the book is that is physical aspects of it.
    1. It is small enough to enter my trousers pocket.
    2. It is light
    3. There are enough stories to last a long bus journey from Bedok to Bukit Batok and back.

    The length of the stories/lessons are quite ideal when you are on the move and would like to read something short, light and meaningful.

    Will give some reviews at another time.

    with metta-vc

  • Thank you for your review and for enjoying the books :-] It had just been added to the list above.

    Stay tuned for the results here (which will be sent to by email too)!


  • Thank you, fellow TDE readers and reviewers, for your reviews above! The 3 winners of the TDE DharMug are, in no particular sequence, Kai Ying, Han Yang & Priscilla. Congrats!


    In the mean time, more reviews of any length are still welcome at They will be added to the list above too.


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