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Encouraging Mindfulness Of Buddha, Cultivates Blessings And Wisdom 劝念佛,修福慧

concrete statue in close up photography
Photo by Michelle Reeves on


[Those able to use the Pure Land Dharma Door to encourage people, then are with blessings and wisdom both cultivated.]

[1] 兼修福与慧,又复念阿弥,

[1] ‘Together cultivating blessings with wisdom, furthermore, again mindful of Āmítuófó, in the Nine Grades of lotus flowers, attaining the first, again, how can there be doubt?’

[2] 虽修福与慧,不知念阿弥,

[2] ‘Although cultivating blessings with wisdom, not knowing to be mindful of Āmítuófó, yet to attain as an Arhat, are rebirths without completion’s time.’

Related Teachings:

Blessings And Wisdom’s Instructions

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