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What Kind Of Dharma Speaker & Listener Are You?

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How you receive and express the Dharma is
how you learn and practise the Dharma too.

— Stonepeace | Get Book

“Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of Dhamma speakers. What four? (1) Here, bhikkhus, some Dhamma speaker speaks little and [his speech] is pointless, and his assembly is not skilled in distinguishing what is meaningful from what is pointless. Such a Dhamma speaker is reckoned as a Dhamma speaker by such an assembly.

(2) “Another Dhamma speaker speaks little but [his speech is] meaningful, and his assembly is skilled in distinguishing what is meaningful from what is pointless. Such a Dhamma speaker is reckoned as a Dhamma speaker by such an assembly.

(3) “Still another Dhamma speaker speaks much but [his speech is] pointless, and his assembly is not skilled in distinguishing what is meaningful from what is pointless. Such a Dhamma speaker is reckoned as a Dhamma speaker by such an assembly.

(4) “And still another Dhamma speaker speaks much and [his speech is] meaningful, and his assembly is skilled in distinguishing what is meaningful from what is pointless. Such a Dhamma speaker is reckoned as a Dhamma speaker by such an assembly. These, bhikkhus, are the four kinds of Dhamma speakers.”

The Book of the Fours (Sutta 139)
The Numerical Discourses Of The Budddha: A Translation Of The Anguttara Nikaya
Bhikkhu Bodhi

Please Be Mindful Of Your Speech, Namo Amituofo!

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