In a period of the past, there was a Qiāng mountain person, who stole a King’s storehouse’s property and to far away escaped. At that time, the country’s King sent forth people to the four directions, to investigate and arrest him, to bring him before the King.
When the King then interrogated him on that place that he got his clothes, the Qiāng mountain person replied, saying, ‘My clothes thus are the property of my paternal grandfather.’
When the King sent him to put on the clothes, as they are truly not those that the Qiāng mountain person originally had thus, he did not know how to wear them, with that which should be at the hands put on at the legs, and that which should be at the waist instead put on at the head.
The King, having seen the thief already, gathered all his ministers and others, together clarified on this matter, and spoke these words, ‘If those are your clothes since your paternal grandfather’s time, you should understand how to put them on. How are you invertedly using the above as the below? With not understanding thus, we definitely know your clothes must be stolen, and are not your old property.’
To borrow, with these as analogies, that King is like the Buddha, the gems’ treasury is like the Dharma, and that ignorant Qiāng mountain person is similar to those of external paths, eavesdropping on the Buddha’s Dharma teachings, having received them already, with the Dharma teachings within as their own existing ones, however not understanding thus, when arranging the Buddha’s Dharma teachings, confused and disordered about those above and below, not knowing the Dharma’s characteristics. Like that Qiāng mountain person who attained the King’s gemmed clothes, not understanding the sequence, invertedly then wearing them, they are likewise thus.
[Note: When selfishly advantageous, those of external paths might ‘steal’ and claim aspects of the Buddha’s teachings as their original ones, when they do not even have basic understanding about them, in terms of the sequence of their forms and functions, what more about how to practise them.]
All Hundred Parables: