In the past, there were two persons in the middle of the path together walking, seeing there is a person leading a sesame cart, in the middle of a steep road, not able to go forward.
Then, that person leading the cart said to those two persons, ‘Help me push this cart out of this steep road.’
The two persons replied, saying, ‘You will give us what thing?’
That person leading the cart said, ‘I have nothing to give you.’
Then, these two persons immediately helped to push the cart to reach flat land. Speaking to the person leading the cart, saying, ‘Give us the thing earned.’
He replied, saying, ‘I have nothing.’
Once again saying, ‘Give us nothing.’
Within those two persons, that first person smiled and said, ‘As that person is not willing to give it, how is this worthy for worry?’
That second person replied, saying, ‘Give us nothing, as you must have nothing.’
That first person said, ‘As that nothing, is just two words [i.e. no thing] combined together, it is as a false name.’
Worldly ordinary beings, if are those attached to nothing, are then born in the sphere without that existing. That second person’s said nothing, then is that without form, without wish and without doing.
[Note 1: The sphere without that existing (无所有处) is the third formless realm’s heaven (第三无色界天) with nothing physical, which arises due to those very attached to the state of physical nothingness. Those reborn there, although abiding in it for a very long time in concentration, are still not liberated, as liberation is not to become ‘nothing.’]
[Note 2: Those liberated are as if without forms (无相), but still with all forms, without any pure and impure forms attached to. Those liberated are as if without wishes (无愿), but still with pure wishes, without any wish attached to. Those liberated are as if without doing (无作), but still with doing of what should be done, without any of the doing and that done attached to.]
All Hundred Parables: