As featured in this comic strip collection of their 100 (mis)adventures, ‘Sam and Sara’ is subtle, direct, zany, zenny, quirky, unpredictable, playful, counterintuitive, philosophical… about the infinite complexities, contradictions and tensions of life. Their experiences are funny, yet not just for laughs, as they are also about our misperceptions of reality, and how we can become kinder and wiser in everyday life. As each episode is self-contained, in a sense, they are the essential nuggets of unconventional wit and wisdom that we look forward to when reading novels and watching movies!
– Catching Up With Sam & Sara
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The Buddhist Library
Thank you Bro Shi’an, my daughter is reading the book now even before I have a chance to read it. She love the book. She keep laughing when reading it. She said it is funny and she is only 9 years old. I will grab hold of the book as soon as she finish. hahaha.
Thanks, Shirley! I look forward to your review too!
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Love to purchase this book from u .please contact me via email Thank You
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