[1] 修慧不修福,明了而穷困。
[2] 修福不修慧,富贵而愚痴。
[3] 福慧若兼修,富贵而明了。
[4] 二者皆不修,愚痴而穷困。
[1] Cultivating wisdom and not cultivating blessings, there is understanding that is clear, yet having poverty with difficulties. [2] Cultivating blessings and not cultivating wisdom, there are wealth and honour, yet having ignorance. [3] With blessings and wisdom, if together cultivated, there are wealth and honour, and understanding that is clear. [4] Those with the two all not cultivated, are with ignorance and poverty with difficulties.
佛以 [3] 福慧兼修,故谓之两足尊,谓福慧两足也。
The Buddhas, [3] with blessings and wisdom together cultivated, are thus called as the Two-Legged Honoured Ones, calling them to be with blessings and wisdom, these two sufficient.
[Note: ‘足’ means both ‘legs’ and ‘sufficiency’.]
Sòng Dynasty’s Wáng Rìxiū
Lóngshū’s Pure Land Text
Related Teachings:
Blessings And Wisdom’s Instructions