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The Seven Limbs As Antidotes To Afflictions

Revere the more enlightened to rid pride.
Learn their teachings and ask to rid ignorance and doubt.
Repent and radiate loving-kindness to rid hatred.
Rejoice of others’ well-being to rid jealousy.
Give to the needy and worthy to rid greed.
Dedicate the meritorious to rid self-attachment.

Stonepeace | Books

Of these seven limbs [of prayer], the first is prostration or homage, and that is the antidote to pride. The second is making offerings, and that is the antidote to attachment and greed; the third is the confession of negativities and negative deeds, and that is the antidote to mainly hatred, anger and the other afflictive emotions that arise involuntarily – when they arise and you recognise them, they can be confessed if you apply the method of confession. The fourth – rejoicing is the antidote to jealousy and this is a very important limb because jealousy is always there but we do not notice it, and it is the cause of exhausting our merits…

The antidote to ignorance is to supplicate the Buddhas to turn the wheel of Dharma and the sixth – supplicating the Buddhas to remain – is the antidote to doubt. Sometimes people have doubts about whether the Buddha or the Three Jewels are permanent or impermanent, whether they will stay or not. In order to dispel doubts, we supplicate them not to pass into Nirvana. The seventh limb is the dedication, and that is the antidote to self-grasping.

Amitabha Teachings Called Revealing The Path To Liberation
Commentary By H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Translated By Ina Bieler

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