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Nuturing The Bodhi Seed

欲长菩提苗, 光明照世间,
应当静观察, 诸法真实相,
不生亦不灭, 不常复不断,
不一亦不异, 不来亦不去.

– 梵网经 (释迦牟尼佛)

Desiring [to] nurture [the] Bodhi seedling [for Buddhahood, to have] bright light illuminating [the] world, [there] should [be] calm examining [of] all dharmas’ true form. [i.e. true nature of all phenomena of mind and matter] [As that] not arising, likewise not ceasing, not perpetuating, again not ending, not one, also not different, not coming, likewise not going. [i.e. due to beginningless and endless continuous change]

– Brahma Net Sutra (Sakyamuni Buddha)

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