Reader Feedback: ‘Congratulations and rejoice on the launch of your latest Dharma book, which will definitely benefit and guide us in our practice. It’s so good to see English Dharma texts translated, and with so much thought and planning behind – be it the book cover, texture of the pages, design, layout and text. I have two of your great books and like them very much. Both books show the immense efforts, thought and passion you have dedicated. I have been using the Amitabha Sutra book daily to chant as it is complete. It has the sutra, repentance, aspiration and dedication verses for birth in Pure Land. I used to refer to different sutra texts. Now, I just use your one-in-all text. Thank you so much, and I hope you will continue to launch more books to benefit more English-speaking Dharma practitioners. Best regards, Pauline’
Gallery: The book’s launch at Pureland Practice Fellowship on 05.11.16, with reciting of the celebrated 西方发愿文 (Verses For Giving Rise To Aspiration For Birth In Pure Land) written by the Pure Land Tradition’s 8th Patriarch Great Master Lianchi (净土宗八祖莲池大师) in Chinese and English, as included in the book. May the book inspire many more to guide one another to Amituofo’s Pure Land, to embark on the swiftest path towards Buddhahood!
Related Pure Land Books: Amitabha Sutra: The Sutra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Amita Buddha | The Pure Land Passport: The Three Great Essentials When Approaching Death | The Faith Factor: The Treatise On Ten Doubts About Pure Land
Before stumbling upon The Daily Enlightenment I relied on The Analects of Master Kuang-Ch’in (Guang Qin) for guidance. Primarily because I discovered he was vegan. Looking at these photos…. I wish I lived in Singapore. Deep thanks for all your efforts! George