Question: Why should the five pungent roots (五辛) not be eaten? Answer: As taught by Śākyamuni...
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How To Cross ‘Rebel Ridge’
Verses On Losses And Wins 输赢偈
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[66] The Parable Of With The Mouth Reciting Ship-Sailing Methods Yet Not Understanding Their Applications From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之口诵乘船法而不解用喻
Does Not Urging Precept-Violators To Repent...
How To Cross ‘Rebel Ridge’
What do you do, when those who are supposed to stand for law and order go against them, by harming...
Practise Compassionate Patience To Swiftly...
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Concluding Remarks Of The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之结语
With Water Drops Although Tiny 水滴虽微
Be True Buddhas’ Disciples 成真佛子
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[66] The Parable Of With The Mouth Reciting...
昔有大长者子,共诸商人入海采宝。In the past, there was a great elder’s son, together with many merchants entering...
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FAQs On The Pure Land Passport Book
Question: Why is it called so? Answer: As stated in the book’s first section at purelanders...