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Does Having A Divorce Against The Precepts?

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Question: Does it break any precept to have a divorce? Will it create evil karma?

Answer: In Buddhism, marriage is seen as a social contract, not a spiritual ‘match made in heaven’, as predetermined by any superior being, that cannot be undone. Thus, there is no precept against divorce. Since so, it does not create evil karma.

Of course, it is another issue… on whether there were breaking of precepts, for example, by having an affair, (thus breaking the Third Precept), and lying about it, (thus breaking the Fourth Precept), that led to consideration of having a divorce.

Question: Should I simply get a divorce due to ‘much’ unhappiness?

Answer: What to consider is whether a divorce is for the overall good of all involved, including the two spouses and children. Are all reasonable means to salvage the marriage exhausted already? Are differences truly irreconcilable? Was there enough reflection, discussion and counselling to iron out the pending issues one by one?

If long married, it might be good to reflect that there are only a few more decades or years before departure (to reach Pure Land). Why not walk the rest of the path as patiently and gently as possible then, as much together as possible for support, and not make it tougher for one another?

We all have different combinations of greed, hatred and delusion. Should we simply give up on helping each other transform them to be better, or help each other best we can? May worldly life partners also become spiritual best friends to each other.

Related Article:

Are Buddhists Okay With Divorce?

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