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What Should Be Practised On The Six Purification Days And In The Three Purification Months? 六斋日与三斋月时该怎么修?The Significance Of Upholding The Eight Precepts 持八戒之意义 How To Uphold The Sixth, Seventh And Eighth Precepts 如何持第六七八戒

Question: What are the Six Purification Days (六斋日) and the Three Purification Months (三斋月)?

Answer: The Six Purification Days are every lunar month’s 8th, 14th, 15th, 23rd, 29th and 30th days (or 28th day for minor months [小月] without the 30th day). The Three Purification Months are the 1st, 5th and 9th lunar months.

Question: Other than observing the other Bodhisattva Precepts (菩萨戒), what should be practised on the Six Purification Days?

Answer: On each of these ‘days’, for one day and night (一日一夜), there should be observation of the Eight Precepts (八戒):, to abstain from

[1] killing lives (不杀生),
[2] stealing (不偷盗),
[3] sexual conduct (不淫),
[4] false speech (不妄语),
[5] drinking alcohol (i.e. consuming intoxicants) (不饮酒),
[6] wearing perfumes, flowers and garlands, applying fragrant oils on the body (不着香花鬘,不香油涂身),
[7] sitting and lying on high, broad and big (seats and) beds (不坐卧高广大床), singing, dancing, having entertainment, going to see or hear such (不歌舞倡伎,不往观听), and
[8] untimely eating (不非时食) after noon. (There should of course be consuming as veg[etari]ans (吃素):

(Once the lines on one’s palm can be seen with sunlight, it is considered the beginning of the day. The Eight Precepts are thus to be abided by, from one dawn to the next dawn, unless for two or more days continuously.)

Question: Other than observing the other Bodhisattva Precepts, what should be practised in the Three Purification Months?

Answer: The same Eight Precepts should be observed on every day within these months.

Question: What if it is inconvenient to observe them on all days of these months?

Answer: They should at least be observed on their Six Purification Days, deferring or carried forward a little if not convenient on the actual days. As many of the Eight Precepts as possible should nevertheless be observed on the other days of these months. This is not a case of all or nothing.

When we contemplate on the Eight Precepts listed above, we should remember that first [1]-[5] Five Precepts (五戒) are similar to the usual Five Precepts, which should already be observed every day. The only difference is the [3] Third Precept being to abstain from sexual conduct instead of just misconduct. (Spouses might have to be informed in advance to prevent conflicts of interest.)

Thus, the [6] Sixth, [7] Seventh and [8] Eighth Precepts are perhaps the more ‘challenging’ ones. Let us analyse them to see if this is truly so… On avoiding [6] wearing perfumes, flowers and garlands, and applying of fragrant oils on the body, this is not so difficult. If there is a need to look more presentable for work, just put on the minimum make-up, without adding anything else fancy, such as scents and ornaments.

On avoiding [7] sitting and lying on high, broad and big (seats and) beds, singing, dancing, having entertainment, going to see or hear such, this is easily done by using a firmer mattress (without rolling around too much if wide). Thickness of mattress and chair is of no concern if not very cushy.

Live entertainment, with that on the radio, television, net and in publications (i.e. magazines and books) should be avoided too. Reading key pieces of news that might be consequential is alright, but not random scrolling or browsing for fun. The time saved from not dressing up, having entertainment, preparing and taking dinner should be diligently spent on furthering Dharma learning and practice.

On avoiding [8] untimely eating after noon, simply do not eat solid food or have filling drinks after the near-midday meal. Perhaps the only valid reason to not observe this precept is if more energy is needed for work that cannot be put off. Retirees have little or no excuse to not observe all Eight Precepts since they can better plan their days. If needing to consume later due to health issues and great hunger, consume minimally, just enough.

It should be noted that the Eight Precepts are for training us to avoid indulgence in

[1] cruelty (hatred),
[2] greed,
[3] lust,
[4] falsehood,
[5] intoxication (unmindfulness; delusion),
[6] vain attachment to body and smell,
[7] attachment to entertainment via sight, sound and touch, and
[8] taste.

Thus, are all five sense roots (五根) of eye, ear, nose, tongue and body (眼耳鼻舌身) guarded.

The sixth sense root (第六根), which is the mind root’s (意根) potential to entertain the three poisons (三毒) of greed, hatred and delusion (贪嗔痴) are guarded against too. (It is by giving in to the three poisons that the precepts are broken, and it is by having the three poisons that we are trapped in rebirth.)

The Five Desires (五欲) for

[i] wealth (财),
[ii] sexual or sensual pleasures (色),
[iii] fame (名),
[iv] food (食) and
[v] sleep (睡)

that bind us to the cycle of birth and death will thus reduce with observation of the Eight Precepts, thus facilitating liberation from rebirth. With regular observation of these Eight Precepts, thus becoming used to regular severing of the Five Desires at will, it will be easier to have sincere and focused mindfulness of Buddha to reach Pure Land when departing.

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