You should know that Bodhisattvas have one Dharma teaching, that is able to sever all evil paths’ suffering. What is this one? It is called, in day and night, constantly being mindful, contemplating and observing good dharmas, to lead all good dharmas, from thought to thought, to increase and grow, not allowing one fine hair’s part of non-good to be in between mixed. This is then able to lead all evils to be forever severed, and good dharmas to be fulfilled, constantly attaining getting close to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and others in noble assemblies.
言善法者,谓人天身、声闻菩提、独觉菩提、无上菩提,皆依此法以为根本而得成就,故名善法。此法即是十善业道。何等为十?谓能 [1] 永离杀生、[2] 偷盗、[3] 邪行、[4] 妄语、[5] 两舌、[6] 恶口、[7] 绮语、[8] 贪欲、[9] 瞋恚、[10] 邪见。
Speaking of those good dharmas, those called human and heavenly beings’, bodies, Voice-Hearers’ Bodhi, Lone Awakeners’ Bodhi, and Unsurpassable Bodhi, all rely on this Dharma teaching, with it as root, then attaining accomplishment, thus named as good dharmas. This Dharma teaching is thus the Ten Good Karmas’ path. What are the ten? They are called being able to [1] forever depart from killing lives, [2] stealing, [3] sexual misconduct, [4] false speech, [5] double-tongued speech, [6] harsh speech, [7] frivolous speech, [8] greedy desires, [9] anger and [10] evil views.
Śākyamuni Buddha
The Sūtra Of Ten Good Karmas’ Path