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With Few Desires Is Less Suffering 少欲少苦

distressed woman sitting on lakeside and touching face in despair
Photo by RODNAE Productions on


You and other Bhikṣus, should know that of people with many desires, with much seeking of benefits thus, their sufferings and afflictions are also many.


Of people with few desires, without seeking and without desires, they are then without these sufferings.


Directly thus for few desires, there still should be practice, moreover with few desires, this is able to give rise to all meritorious virtues.


Of people with few desires, then without flattery, with it seeking to fulfil people’s wishes, they are also not by all roots as those led.


Of those practising with few desires, their minds are then undisturbed, without that to worry and fear.


When in contact with matters, having surpluses, constantly without having not enough. Those with few desires, will then have Nirvāṇa. These are named as teachings on few desires.

Śākyamuni Buddha
The Sūtra Of The Buddha’s Bequeathed Teachings

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