Five Contemplations At Mealtimes To Retain
[1] 计功多少,量彼来处。
[2] 忖己德行,全缺应供。
[3] 防心离过,贪等为宗。
[4] 正事良药,为疗形枯。
[5] 为成道业,应受此食。
[1] Calculate how much work was done, for this amount of food to come from other places. [2] Consider if one’s virtuous conduct, is complete or incomplete to receive this food offering. [3] With guarding of the mind to depart from faults, greed and other poisons as the goal. [4] Properly taking as good medicine, this food is for curing the body’s withering state. [5] Only for accomplishing the path to Buddhahood, should there be receiving of this food.
With the Five Contemplations, if understood, a thousand jīns of gold are easy to dissolve, with the three minds [of greed, hatred and delusion] yet to end, a drop of water is difficult to digest.
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