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How Fair Is It To Put ‘The Devil On Trial’?

Assuming that there is actual possession by a demon, to save the one possessed, should you ask the demon to possess you instead? This is unwise, as what should be done is to solve the possession, not shift the posession. What more, how can a clearly malicious demon be trusted? And if you kill someone after you are indeed possessed, since you kind of asked the demon to do what he will, can you still claim that ‘the devil made me do it’, thus shifting blame to him entirely? If not fully possessed, to the extent you are there and willing, you are surely culpable too.

What makes a person possessable in the first place? In the Buddhist perspective, one who has caved in to, or is easily urged to cave in to one’s own inner demons of greed, hatred and delusion makes one especially susceptible. In this sense, one who can be easily possessed by outer demons already possesses active inner ‘demons.’ This means those who uphold the precepts strictly, thus keeping the three poisons at bay are not likely to be posssessed. It is our personal responsibility to be morally upright then, to not become spiritually and physically corruptible.

If the (d)evil cannot make you do what you did not already kind of want to do, this is probably why there are historically few officially recorded cases of folks who go on trials for crimes, claiming that they were not self-possessed but possessed by others when they were committed. This is actually good news, if it implies that not many push the blame to the supernatural, while the supernatural cannot really push us do the blameworthy without consent. Demons can only do so much through us, which is so ‘little’, and most of us already kind of know this? Perhaps so.

Related Article:

How To Help The Possessed With Mindfulness Of Buddha:
A Buddhist ‘Exorcism’ Method

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