速了生死度他生。— 度生偈 (1)
Do not be with helping of sentient beings assumed as delivering of sentient beings, for if yet to transcend rebirth, there will be continuing of deaths and births. Therefore encouraging all to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, to swiftly be liberated from the cycle of birth and death, to deliver others to be born there too.
— Verses On Deliverance Of Sentient Beings (1)
While it is surely both good and essential to help sentient beings (帮众生) in times of their difficulties and suffering (苦难) with various forms of charitable efforts, this should not be mistaken as the actual delivering of sentient beings (度众生). Worldly or even spiritual helping that does not lead definitively to enlightenment cannot be considered as deliverance. To deliver sentient beings is to guide them, from this ‘suffering ocean’ of birth and death (生死苦海) to liberation (解脱) on the ‘other shore’ (彼岸), of which there are three kinds.
[1] The best kind of other shore is the complete liberation of Buddhahood (佛果), with the attainment of which there is the ability to guide others to the state of Buddhahood too. However, unless one is already a Buddha (佛陀) or a Great Bodhisattva (大菩萨), it is impossible or extremely difficult to guide others to Buddhahood directly. This might be possible ‘accidentally’, perhaps by ‘offering’ the right conditions in time to those who are already spiritually very mature. Yet, such ready persons will not arise in this Dharma-Ending Age (末法时期).
[3] The third best kind of other shore is Anagāminhood (阿那含果), perhaps in the Pure Abodes (净居天: Śuddhāvāsa), which is the third and final non-retrogressible stage towards the self-liberation of Arhathood (阿罗汉果). Although less difficult than guiding towards Buddhahood, this is still very challenging, unless one is already an Anagāmin (阿那含) or Arhat (阿罗汉). Once again, in this era with general decline in the spiritual quality of all who teach, learn and practise the Dharma, such beings with the stage(s) towards Arhathood and with Arhathood itself do not arise.
[2] The second best kind of other shore is Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛: Amitā[bha] Buddha) Pure Land (净土). Although this is not Buddhahood itself, functioning as the most skilful (and blissful) Dharma school, it is where the swiftest progress towards Buddhahood is guaranteed. This is superior to the third kind of other shore because the complete liberation of Buddhahood is nobler than the self-liberation of Arhathood, as the first benefits immeasurably more sentient beings, who will in turn benefit immeasurably more.
Unless the helping of sentient beings already includes the delivering of sentient beings, any form of help rendered that is lesser is still not completely adequate. Effects from such help will expire too. For example, that generously given (布施) cash and kind (财施), and fearlessness (无畏施) offered by counselling can be depleted. Even the Dharma shared (法施) can be forgotten. If what shared is worldly Dharma (世间法), even if it is practised well, there will yet to be transcendence of rebirth.
It is with world-transcending Dharma (出世间法) that there is liberation, and of such Dharma doors (法门) taught by the Buddha, the Pure Land Dharma Door (净土法门) is the most feasible now. Practising it sincerely, the Pure Land will be reached, through which there will be mastery of skilful means (方便) to guide others to reach it for swift liberation too. This is the most virtuous cycle, more virtuous than simply doing good for a generally good rebirth, with limited and thus exhaustible good karma. To oscillate up and down in the good and evil realms of rebirths endlessly is surely way inferior to reaching Pure Land, where total purification is realisable.
花开见佛悟无生。— 度生偈 (2)
Although practising good is able to attain good rebirths, this is not as good as to be in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss with pure births. In next and later lives, with the three lifetimes’ grievances not arising, with lotus flowers blossoming, see the Buddha and awaken to non-birth [for non-retrogressive progress towards Buddhahood].
— Verses On Deliverance Of Sentient Beings (2)
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