Of all my past created evil karma,*
all by beginningless greed, anger and delusion,
from my body, speech and mind as arisen,
for all I now express repentance.**
– Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
(Avatamsaka Sutra)
– 普贤菩萨
* Intentional deeds
** Remorse and resolution to make amends
I now seek repentance and reformation by Precept,Meditation.And now I realised the suffer,cause of suffer,and realised the inward haven paradise instead the out side world
Please would it be possible for someone to give me the English phonetics for the chinese version of this lovely verse?
Thank you very much.
wǒ xī suǒ zào zhū è yè ,
jiē yóu wú shǐ tān chēn chī 。
cóng shēn yǔ yì zhī suǒ shēng ,
yī qiē wǒ jīn jiē chàn huǐ 。