The Stonepeace Book Volume 2 : One Hundred Enlightening Inspirational Sayings
The Stonepeace Book Volume 2 : One Hundred Enlightening Inspirational Sayings
'The words we remember the most are the mantras of our lives.
They form our spirit and express our being.
Which words empower you?
Which do you empower?'
Welcome to Volume 2, the next set of 100 Stonepeace quotes, laid out with ample space to help open the heart and mind, and for jotting notes too, if you wish. As long as there are unharvested Stonepeace quotes adrift in cyberspace, they will be collected for future volumes. Instead of having a conventional contents page listing subjects sequentially, we decided to flip it around with only a thematic index page. The intention is to urge readers to plunge right into the book without any preconceived ideas from titles, to preferably use the index only for later reference. Well, as Stonepeace put it,
'What one neither expects nor likes
might be what one needs the most.'
(This book is printed on Green Forest Offset, FSC™ certified paper from Responsible Forestry, with fibres from sustainably managed forests committed to the environment without compromising quality.)
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