Question: Why should the five pungent roots (五辛) not be eaten?
Answer: As taught by Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛) in Śūraṅgama Sūtra《楞严经》:
‘Sentient beings seeking samādhi [i.e. meditative concentration], should sever from the world’s five kinds of pungent root vegetables [i.e. garlic, leek, onion, chive and asafoetida (hing)]. These five kinds of pungent roots, when cooked eaten give rise to lust, and when raw eaten increase anger.
Such people of the world, who eat these pungent roots, even if able to preach the twelve divisions’ sūtras [i.e. all Buddhas’ teachings], the ten directions’ heavenly sages will detest their foul stench, with all far departing from them.
Many hungry ghosts and others, through them eating next, will lick their lips. Constantly with ghosts dwelling, their blessed virtues will by the day exhaust, for long without benefits.
Of these people who eat these pungent roots, when cultivating samādhi, Bodhisattvas, heavenly sages, and the ten directions’ [i.e. everywhere] good [Dharma Protector] gods, will not come to guard and protect them.
Great powerful demon kings, obtaining this convenience, will manifest by creating Buddhas’ bodies, to come for speaking the [false] “Dharma” [i.e. teachings that distort the Buddha’s true teachings], that slanders the prohibitive precepts, and praises [the three poisons of] lust, anger and delusion [i.e. greed, hatred and ignorance].
When life ends, personally becoming the demon kings’ family members. When received demonic “blessings” exhaust, falling into the Uninterrupted [i.e. Avīci] Hell. Ānanda, those who cultivate for Bodhi [i.e. enlightenment of Buddhahood] should forever sever from these five pungent roots.‘
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