In the past, there was a great elder’s son, together with many merchants entering the ocean to gather treasures.
This elder’s son was good at reciting entering of the ocean’s ship-steering methods, if entering the ocean water’s places of whirlpools, eddies, submerged rocks and splashes, it should be thus rowed, thus adjusted, thus stopped. He spoke to all the people, saying, ‘Of entering the ocean’s methods, I know them all.’
All people, hearing this already, deeply believed in his words. Already arriving within the ocean, yet to pass much time, with the captain meeting sickness, he suddenly then died.
Then, the elder’s son immediately replaced his position, saying, ‘It should be thus rowed, thus adjusted.’
With the ship winding and spinning, not able to go forward to reach the treasure’s place, all the ship’s merchants sunk into the water and died.
Of ordinary beings’ people, they are likewise thus, with little practice of meditation methods, ānāpāna’s counting of breaths and impurity’s contemplation, although reciting their texts, not understanding their meanings. With all kinds of methods, truly without those known, personally saying they are well understood. Falsely teaching meditation methods, causing the previous persons to be confused and lose their minds. With inverted and wrong Dharma characteristics, for an entire year and accumulating years, empty without that obtained, they are like that foolish person causing others to sink into the ocean.
[Note 1: ‘Ānāpāna’ (安般) means ‘breathing in and out’, referring to ‘mindfulness of breathing’ (Ānāpānasati) meditation, with or without counting of breaths (数息) as a ‘clutch’ to help stay focused, so as to train in single-pointedness.]
[Note 2: Impurity’s contemplation (不净观) refers to meditation with sight or visualisation of the body’s parts being foul, so as to train in becoming unattached to the body.]
[Note 3: Those who talk of principles only, without having actual and proficient practices, have yet to know the true meanings of both the principles and practices. Good teachers are those who know both the principles and practices well. With the many intricate problems of different minds, even ‘basic’ meditation, if learnt from the inexperienced without proper knowledge can be dangerous.]
All Hundred Parables: