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[64] The Parable Of People Saying A Old House Within Has An Evil Ghost From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之人谓故屋中有恶鬼喻

Photo by Jo Kassis on


In the past, there was an old house, with people saying this house often has an evil ghost within, with all terrified, not daring to lie down and rest in it.


Then, there was a person, calling himself to have great courage, then making this statement, ‘I desire to enter this house within to stay and sleep for one night.’


Then, he entered to stay and rest. Later, there was a person who called himself to have courage and valour superior to the previous person. Again hearing bystanders saying this house constantly has an evil ghost within, then desiring to enter within, he pushed at the door, and was about to go forward.


Then, that person who first entered thought he is a ghost, then again pushed at the door, hiding and not allowing him to come forward. That later coming person again thought there is a ghost, with the two persons fighting and contending until daybreak.


Thereupon seeing one another already, then knowing there is no ghost.


All the world’s people are likewise thus, with causes and conditions temporarily meeting, without having masters. With one by one inferring and analysing, who is it that is the self?

[Note 1: It is with the gathering of the five aggregates (五蕴) and the three poisons (三毒) that the illusion of ‘self’ (我) arises.

[Note 2: The five aggregates (五阴/蕴) are (i) form (色), (ii) feeling (受), (iii) perception (想), (iv) mental formation (行) and (v) consciousness (识).]

[Note 3: The three poisons (三毒) are greed (贪), anger (嗔) and delusion (痴).]


Certainly, all sentient beings chaotically haggling over what is right and wrong, forcibly giving rise to contention and lawsuits, are like those two persons, equally without differences.

[Note 4: The illusion of ‘self’ is like a ‘ghostly being’ assumed to be there, but not really there. Arising from this delusional (痴) attachment, beings fight with one another with greed (贪) and anger (嗔).]

All Hundred Parables:

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