In the past, there was a person from a sickness suffering, becoming critically ill. A good doctor observed him and said, ‘You should constantly eat a kind of pheasant meat, so that you can get healed from your sickness.’
Then, this sick person from the market got one pheasant. Having eaten it completely already, he did not further again eat more.
The doctor at a later time seeing him, then asked him, ‘Is your sickness healed yet?’
The sick person replied, saying, ‘You, doctor, first taught me to constantly eat pheasant meat, therefore now having eaten one pheasant completely already, further, I do not dare to eat more.’
The doctor again spoke, saying, ‘If the previous pheasant was completely eaten already, why not further eat more? Why are you now, just having eaten only one pheasant, hoping to get healed from your sickness?’
All external paths are likewise thus, hearing the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are unsurpassable good doctors say, that there should be understanding of the mind’s consciousness, external paths and others become attached to the eternalist view, then saying that in the past, future and present, there is are only one consciousness, without having changing and declining. Like eating only one pheasant, they are therefore not able to heal their sickness of foolish confusions and afflictions.
[Note 1: To be attached to the impermanent as permanent is a spiritual sickness, for if one’s consciousness is believed to be unchangeable, how will one be willing to better oneself? It is with consciousness that can change, that we can evolve to become better, to realise purity. That constant is our Buddha-nature (佛性), the potential to become pure.]
With great wisdom, all Buddhas teach all external paths to eliminate their eternalist view. As all dharmas from thought to thought arise and cease, how can there be one consciousness that is always constant and does not change?
[Note 2: All dharmas (诸法) are all phenomena of mind and matter.]
Like that worldly doctor teaching to further eat pheasants, to then get the sickness healed, the Buddha likewise thus, teaches all sentient beings, to lead them to attain understanding, that as all dharmas will be destroyed, they are thus not constant, and as they are continuous, they are thus not ceasing, then getting elimination of the sickness of their eternalist view.
[Note 3: All dharmas are constantly changing, thus with apparent ‘arising’ and ‘ceasing’. However, they do not ‘arise’ from nothing or ‘cease’ to become nothing. There is nothing actually arising or arisen, ceasing or ceased, but there is constant (i.e. continuous) changing of everything, from one thing to another.
As taught by Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛) in the Brahmā Net Sūtra《梵网经》, ‘All dharmas’ (i.e. phenomena of mind and matter) True Form: are not arising, likewise not ceasing, not perpetuating, again not ending, not one, likewise not different, not coming, likewise not going (due to beginningless and endless continuous change).’ (诸法真实相:不生亦不灭;不常亦不断;不一亦不异;不来亦不去。) This presents the Middle Path (中道) between the eternalistic view (常见) and the nihilstic view (断见).]
All Hundred Parables: