It is difficult to know the complete truth,
of the true motivation(s) behind the murders,
but the below is surely true…
‘If you’ve been abused,
you cannot be accused?’
No way!
If the above is true,
it will be ‘alright’ to bully bullies,
to become another bully, the next one?
It will be ‘alright’
to have ‘an eye for an eye’,
which makes the whole world blind?
It will be ‘alright’
to become monsters to counter others,
just because we have encountered monsters?
It is the loss of moral bearings,
and the lack of repentance for so
that makes us monsters.
Although the temptation is understandable,
we cannot justify our monstrosity
with others’ monstrosities.
Two wrongs do not make a right,
what more two people
making two ‘grave’ mistakes together.
We must break the generational chain
and cycle of monstrous madness
by not perpetuating any so-called ‘original sin’.
We are the continual re/creators of our destinies,
with the ‘original sinlessness’ of our Buddha-nature,
never doomed by our past and others.