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How To Help A Constant Complainer?

Question: A friend almost ONLY complains in whatever s/he communicates, in her/his conversations and messages, on all kinds of things big and small.

This happened to the extent that some other friends have stopped responding as s/he is full of nothing but negativities. How can s/he be helped?

Answer: If you are not in position to help on these matters, inform so, and that if s/he is so concerned, s/he should constructively feedback to those in charge directly.

Tell her/him that ranting to those not in charge does NOTHING to improve these issues at all. It only wastes her/his time and efforts, and those of friends listening.

S/he should be reminded that while good friends do complain to each other to some extent, they also share positive and supportive messages that genuinely benefit.

With good will, share this message. Play the broken record if needed, but do not become another constant complainer about a constant complainer.

Please Be Mindful Of Your Speech, Namo Amituofo!

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