In the past, there was a person, who entered a mountain to learn the path and attained to be a sage with five supernormal powers. With the heavenly eye having pervasive sight, he was able to see the earth within, all its buried treasures, all kinds of precious treasures.
[Note 1: The Six Supernormal Powers (六神通/六通) are (1) Heavenly eye’s supernormal power (天眼通), (2) Heavenly ear’s supernormal power (天耳通), (3) Knowledge of others’ thoughts’ supernormal power (他心通), (4) Supernormal flight’s power (神足通), (5) Knowledge of past lives’ supernormal power (宿命通) and (6) Outflows’ ending’s supernormal power (漏尽通).
The Five Supernormal Powers (五神通/五通) are (1) Heavenly eye’s supernormal power (天眼通), (2) Heavenly ear’s supernormal power (天耳通), (3) Knowledge of others’ thoughts’ supernormal power (他心通), (4) Supernormal flight’s power (神足通), (5) Knowledge of past lives’ supernormal power (宿命通).
Without the sixth supernormal power, which is (6) Outflows’ ending’s supernormal power (漏尽通), those with the Five Supernormal Powers only are not yet liberated. It is possible for some from external paths (外道) to attain some of the Five Supernormal Powers, but impossible for them to attain the sixth supernormal power if they do not learn, practise and realise the Buddha’s Dharma teachings, unless they are Those By Conditions Awakened (缘觉), who have realised that aligned to the Dharma by themselves.]
The country’s King, hearing this, with his mind having great joy, then spoke to his officials, saying, ‘How can I get this person to constantly be in my country, to not go to other places? To make my treasury within able to get many precious treasures.’
There was a foolish official, who immediately went to tear out the sage’s two eyes. Holding them, he came and said to the King, ‘Your official is with these torn out eyes, which again cannot go elsewhere, and will constantly abide in this country.’
The King spoke to the official, saying, ‘Because of that desire, to get the sage to abide, to be able to see the earth within, all its buried treasures, you are now with his destroyed eyes. How can those again resume their duty?‘
People of the world are likewise thus, seeing other ascetics with ascetic practices in mountains, forests, wilderness, burial mounds and trees below, cultivating the Four Mind Cessations [i.e. Four Mindfulness Foundations (四念处)] and Impurity’s Contemplation, then forcibly fetching them to their homes within, to make all kinds of offerings, destroying others’ good Dharma practices, causing their paths’ fruits to not be accomplished, and to lose their paths’ eyes. Already losing their benefits, empty without that obtained, they are like that foolish official in vain destroying another’s eyes.
[Note 2: The Four Mindfulness Foundations (四念处) are (1) Contemplation of body as impure (观身不净), (2) Contemplation of feelings to be suffering (观受是苦), (3) Contemplation of the mind to be impermanent (观心无常) and (4) Contemplation of dharmas to be non-self (观法无我).]
[Note 3: There should not be attempts to ‘steal’ other spiritual practitioners’ efforts and attainments for selfish benefits. Not only can they not be taken for oneself, doing so will sabotage and distract others from their otherwise pure(r) practices, while personally creating evil karmas (恶业), thus distancing oneself and others from the actual spiritual goals sought. This creates a lose-lose situation.]
All Hundred Parables: