— 释迦牟尼佛
《四十二章经》: 第十一章
Offering food to a hundred evil persons, is not as good as to offer food to one good person.
Offering food to a thousand persons, is not as good as to offer food to one who upholds the Five Precepts.
Offering food to ten thousand persons who uphold the Five Precepts, is not as good as to offer food to one Srotaāpanna.
Offering food to a hundred thousand Srotaāpannas, is not as good as to offer food to one Sakṛdāgāmin.
Offering food to ten thousand thousand Sakṛdāgāmins, is not as good as to offer food to one Anāgāmi.
Offering food to one koṭi Anāgāmis, is not as good as to offer food to one Arhat.
Offering food to ten koṭi Arhats, is not as good as to offer food to one Pratyekabuddha. Offering food to a hundred koṭi Pratyekabuddhas, is not as good as to offer food to one of all the three periods’ Buddhas.
Offering food to a thousand koṭis of all the three periods’ Buddhas, is not as good as to offer food to one who is without thinking, without abiding, without cultivating and without realising.
— Śākyamuni Buddha
(Sūtra Of 42 Sections: 11th Section)