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Many Evil Demons Will Claim To Be Enlightened Good-Knowing Friends 多恶魔将称得法善知识



All these sentient beings, will leave the Buddha to gradually become distant. Evil teachers who speak the false Dharma, will be like the Ganges River’s sands.

— Śūraṅgama Sūtra

[Śākyamuni Buddha]: ‘Ānanda, again, if the six paths’ sentient beings of all worlds, are with their minds without stealing, then will they not follow it with births and deaths in continuous succession. You cultivate Samādhi, originally to exit dusts’ afflictions. With stealing’s mind not eliminated, these dusts cannot be exited. Even if having much wisdom and meditative concentration manifesting presently, if not severing stealing, there will definitely be fall into demonic paths. With those high grade becoming energy-devouring spirits, those middle grade becoming seductive demons, and those low grade becoming demonic humans, by all those demons possessed. Those and other demonic hordes, likewise have assemblies of disciples, with each and every one self-saying to have accomplished the unsurpassable path. (【释迦牟尼佛】:「阿难,又复世界六道众生,其心不偷,则不随其生死相续。汝修三昧,本出尘劳。偷心不除,尘不可出。纵有多智禅定现前,如不断偷,必落邪道。上品精灵、中品妖魅、下品邪人,诸魅所著。彼等群邪,亦有徒众,各各自谓成无上道。)

After my Parinirvāṇa, within the Dharma-Ending Age , many of these evil demons will flourish in the world. Secretly hiding treachery and cheating, claiming to be good-knowing friends, with each self-saying to have already attained supreme persons’ Dharma. Deceiving and confusing those without knowledge, with fear enabling them to lose their minds. Of places that they pass by, their families will be dissipated and scattered. (我灭度后,末法之中,多此妖邪炽盛世间。潜匿奸欺,称善知识,各自谓已得上人法。詃惑无识,恐令失心。所过之处,其家耗散。)

I have taught Bhikṣus, to follow my method to beg for food, to enable them to renounce greed, and accomplish the Bodhi path. All Bhikṣus and others, are not to personally cook food, with entrusting of the rest of their lives, to travelling and wandering in the three realms. Manifesting as a Once-Returner, having departed already, without return. How can these thieves, falsely wear my robes, profit from peddling the Thus Come One, create all kinds of negative karma, with all that said as the Buddha’s Dharma? Yet slandering those who have left the household life to become Bhikṣus with complete Precepts, as those of the Small Vehicle’s path. Due to this confusing and misleading immeasurable sentient beings, falling into Uninterrupted Hell. (我教比丘,循方乞食,令其舍贪,成菩提道。诸比丘等,不自熟食,寄于残生,旅泊三界,示一往还,去已无返。云何贼人,假我衣服,裨贩如来,造种种业,皆言佛法?却非出家具戒比丘,为小乘道。由是疑误无量众生,堕无间狱。)

If, after my Parinirvāṇa, there are Bhikṣus, who give rise to the mind, to decisively cultivate Samādhi, who are able to, before the Thus Come One’s image, with their bodies burn a lamp, burn one finger section, and on their bodies burn one incense stick, I say these persons’ beginningless past debts, will in one moment be repaid completely. They will forever bid farewell to the world, and forever be liberated from all outflows. Although yet to immediately understand unsurpassable awakening’s path, these persons, for the Dharma, will already have decisive minds. (若我灭后,其有比丘,发心决定修三摩地,能于如来形像之前,身然一灯,烧一指节,及于身上爇一香炷,我说是人,无始宿债,一时酬毕,长揖世间,永脱诸漏。虽未即明无上觉路,是人于法已决定心。)

If not with this tiny cause of relinquishing their bodies, even if accomplishing the unconditioned, they must return to be born human, to repay their past debts. Like myself eating horse wheat, exactly the same without difference. You should teach the world’s people who cultivate Samādhi, later to sever stealing, as this is named as the Thus Come One’s and prior Buddha World-Honoured Ones’ “Third Clear And Definitive Instruction On Purity”. Therefore, Ānanda, those if not severing stealing, while cultivating meditative concentration, for example, are like a person, with water pouring into a leaking cup, desiring to seek its fullness. Even if passing dust motes of kalpas, in the end without levelling it again. (若不为此舍身微因,纵成无为,必还生人,酬其宿债。如我马麦,正等无异。汝教世人修三摩地,后断偷盗,是名如来先佛世尊,第三决定清净明诲。是故阿难,若不断偷修禅定者,譬如有人,水灌漏卮,欲求其满,纵经尘劫,终无平复。)

If all Bhikṣus, of that beyond robes and alms bowls, they should be with a tiny part of others not stored. When with begged food’s surplus distributing it, giving it to hungry sentient beings. When in great gatherings, with joined palms prostrating to assemblies. When there are people beating and scolding them, with these regarded to be the same as praise. If enabling their body and mind, both together, to be donated and relinquished, with their bodies, flesh, bones and blood, giving to sentient beings together, not using the Thus Come One’s speaking of non-definitive teachings, as replies for oneself’s justifications, with them confusing those beginning to learn, the Buddhas affirm these persons, will attain true Samādhi. Such that I have spoken, is named as Buddhas’ speech. Not such as spoken, is Pāpīyāms’ speech.’ (若诸比丘,衣钵之余,分寸不畜。乞食余分,施饿众生。于大集会,合掌礼众。有人捶詈,同于称赞。必使身心二俱捐舍,身肉骨血,与众生共。不将如来不了义说,回为己解,以误初学。佛印是人,得真三昧。如我所说,名为佛说。不如此说,即波旬说。」)

The Great Buddha’s Crown’s Śūraṅgama Sūtra’s Sixth Scroll: Section On Four Kinds Of Clear And Definitive Instructions On Purity: Third Heavy Precept

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