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Why Be Ashamed Of Being Shameless?

Non-integrity is not to be ashamed of yourself;
inconsideration of others is not being embarrassed with regard to others.
Haughtiness is the incapacity of honoring others.
Fury is a mental disturbance caused by anger.

— Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland (Verse 405)

Non-integrity means to not refrain from bad behavior due to a lack of self-respect. An example is to knowingly transgress our precepts when no one else is around without caring about it or having a sense of self-respect. The great masters remind us that since the Buddhas’ knowledge encompasses all phenomena, they are aware of our actions. This prevents us from recklessly thinking we can do whatever we like as long as no one else knows. [The law of karma also always operates unrelentingly.]

Inconsideration of others refers to not refraining from bad behavior because we do not care about the impact it has on others. An example is behaving in a careless, unbecoming, or harmful way in front of others – friends, colleagues, or even our spiritual mentors – and not caring about the effect it has on them or how they view our conduct.

Haughtiness is an inflated sense of self that makes us unable to honor or respect those worthy of respect. Based on some small good quality we may have, we get puffed up and don’t want to show respect to those who have genuine good qualities.

Fury is an angry mood that wishes to engage in bad behavior. It shows on our face in the form of furrowed brows, flushed complexion, and glaring eyes.

Practical Ethics And Profound Emptiness: A Commentary On Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland
Khensur Jampa Tegchok 
Edited By Thubten Chodron

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