Though the problems below are not all’s views,
they do reflect those faced by the idealistic,
who wish for nothing but the best.
Problem [1]: Perfect Teacher Sought
Being with idealistic hopes to find
a perfect(ionistic) monastic teacher,
who seems amiss in today’s world.
Remedy: Perfect Buddha Available
Since with perfect ease in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land,
the perfect Buddha(s) can be met and learnt from,
thus aspire to meet the perfect teacher(s) there.
Problem [2]: Perfect Teachings Sought
Being with idealistic hopes to learn
the perfect(ionistic) monastic teachings,
which seems difficult in today’s world.
Remedy: Perfect Dharma Available
Since with perfect ease in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land,
the perfect Dharma can be learnt and practised there,
thus aspire to master the perfect teachings there.
Problem [3]: Perfect Community Sought
Being with idealistic hopes to join
a perfect(ionistic) monastic community,
which seems rare in today’s world.
Remedy: Perfect Sangha Available
Since with perfect ease in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land,
the perfect Sangha can be joined and practised with,
thus aspire to join the perfect community there.
Though the remedies above are not all’s preferences,
they do reflect those appreciated by the idealistic,
who wish for nothing but the best.