
Why Should I Help Anyone At All?

May all beings give rise to Bodhicitta –
that most noble spiritual aspiration
to guide oneself and all other beings
to the same goal of Buddhahood.

– Stonepeace | Books

Why even do anything to help anyone at all,
since immeasurable Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
with perfect compassion, wisdom and skilful means
are already doing their best to help all they can?

Because doing our best to help all we can
is how we can become like them,
one of the immeasurable Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
with perfect compassion, wisdom and skilful means.

Just as immeasurable Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
continue to answer the call of Bodhicitta
by being true to their Buddha-nature perfectly,
we too can learn to answer this call perfectly.

Even though not actual Buddhas and Bodhisattvas yet,
manifesting compassion, wisdom and skilful means best we can
is how we get closer to them in person and spirit,
to let their universal qualities flow through us too.

It is by being Bodhisattvas to one another too,
that we increase our karmic affinities to be helped by others,
that we will become Buddhas (with True Happiness),
who are the perfected Bodhisattvas we wish to be.

May all beings have skilful Dharma practices,
to be true to their aspiration of Bodhicitta,
to guide oneself and all other beings
to the peace, bliss and release of Buddhahood.

– Stonepeace | Books

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