
How To Better Learn, Contemplate & Practise The Dharma

To multiply your diligence
in Dharma learning and practice,
do it for always; not just later.

Stonepeace | Books

To increase your motivation
to learn the Buddha’s teachings,
gaze upon a meditating Buddha’s image,
and remember there is no one
more motivated than the Buddha,
who realised the goal of True Happiness,
and taught that you can be motivated too.

To increase your sincerity
to contemplate the Buddha’s teachings,
gaze upon a teaching Buddha’s image,
and remember there is no teacher
more sincere than the Buddha,
who taught the path to True Happiness,
and taught that you can be sincere too.

To increase your diligence
to practise the Buddha’s teachings,
gaze upon a reclining Buddha’s image,
and remember there are no teachings
more urgent than the Buddha’s,
who urged for progress to True Happiness,
and taught that you can be diligent too.

To multiply your sincerity
in Dharma learning and practice,
do it for all; not just yourself.

Stonepeace | Books

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