It is impossible to help one
without also helping oneself,
as helpfulness brings joy
to both helper and the helped.– Stonepeace | Books
Why should I help you
if you already have good karma to be helped?
Because if so, your good karma
will ripen in some way,
even without my help?
Why should I help you
if you are lacking good karma to be helped?
Because if so, your lack of good karma
will obstruct in some way,
even with my help?
I should still help you,
as your good karma might ripen through me,
if I do my best to help, and
as your lack of good karma might end through me,
if I do my best to help you create good karma, by helping others too.
I should still help you,
as my good karma can increase through you,
if I do my best to help, and
as my lack of good karma can end through you,
if I do my best to help you create good karma, by helping others too.
We should help others in times of need,
for the very same reason why we think
others should help us in times of need –
for what other reason do we need,
than the truth that the needy need help?– Stonepeace | Books
Good encouragement.
Another important point to take note of is, we should do our best to help any one regardless of whether how good or bad karma will turn out to be in the short or long run, be it for the helper or the receiver of help.