If we cannot change,
all would be pointless,
for we are only how we are,
unable to become better.– Stonepeace | Books
If a candle represents the body,
and the flame represents the mind,
both change from moment to moment,
as the candle melts and the flame flickers.
Being reborn is likened to
an old lit candle kindling a new one,
as it passes its flame to it,
before the old candle expires.
Is the ‘flame’ of the mind
totally the same
from one moment to the next,
from one life to the next?
No, as upon closer look,
conditioned by its past and present,
the flickering flame changes in this life now,
and while kindling a new candle.
Is the ‘flame’ of the mind
totally different
from one moment to the next,
from one life to the next?
No, as upon closer look,
conditioned by its past and present,
the flickering flame changes in this life now,
and while kindling a new candle.
There is no total discontinuity.
There is no total continuity.
There is a continuum,
a continuity of conditioned change.
If we can change,
and we do change,
why not change to be better,
to become the best?– Stonepeace | Books
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Dear Sir,
Although I tried hard and reflected in many ways – I am always puzzled and unable to understand the comparison of our existence to that of a candle flame? This morning, after reading your article, I could relate to the continuity of the 3 life phases transcending and interplaying.
I am sorry that I don’t know how to express my joy(feeling)to you in an appropriate manner. With gratitude, I thank you for showing me the light. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu