That worth living for
is also
that worth dying for.— Stonepeace | Get Books
The Punnovada Sutta (Punna Sutta) tells of an inspiring dialogue (as paraphrased below) between the (B)uddha and Venerable (P)unna, where Punna asks for permission to leave for Sunaparanta to share the Dharma:
B: If they (who tend to be fierce and rough) abuse and threaten you, what will you think?
P: These people are truly excellent, as they did not give me a blow with a fist.
B: If they give you a blow with a fist, what will you think?
P: These people are truly excellent, as they did not give me a blow with a clod.
B: If they give you a blow with a clod, what will you think?
P: These people are truly excellent, as they did not give me a blow with a stick.
B: If they give you a blow with a stick, what will you think?
P: These people are truly excellent, as they did not give me a blow with a knife.
B: If they give you a blow with a knife, what will you think?
P: These people are truly excellent, as they did not take my life with a knife.
B: If they do take your life with a knife, what will you think?
P: With disgust for this body, some seek an assailant, but I would have one without search.
B: Excellent! Having such self-control and peacefulness, you will be able to live there.
Punna, who was the Buddha’s disciple foremost in ability to expound the Dharma, then set forth for Sunaparanta for retreat during the rainy season, where he managed to urge 500 laymen and 500 laywomen to learn and practise the Dharma, before he realised Arahatship. May we master his excellent qualities below!
[1] Fearless compassion and missionary zeal to share the Dharma despite difficulties.
[2] Unrelenting gratefulness for his blessings, even when facing suffering.
[3] Great courage to face whatever his karma presents without resentment.
[4] Strong confidence in the Dharma and its value.
[5] Great wisdom and skilfulness in sharing the Dharma with purity of intention.
[6] Realisation of the potential and goodness even in those who are often blamed.
The truly wise are as sure
of their motivations
as their consequences.— Stonepeace | Get Books