How many degrees away can you be, from the clearly transgressional, to be not morally culpable at...
There Is Always Hope
As we always have Buddha-nature,and we always have Buddhasstriving to awaken us,we will always have...
The Root Of Accomplishing Buddhahood Is...
慈悲为成佛之本 慈悲是佛道之根本。所以者何?菩萨见众生老病死苦、身苦心苦、今世后世苦等诸苦所恼,生大慈、悲,救如是苦,然后发心求阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。 龙树菩萨《大智度论》 The Root Of...
Top Ten Points On What Buddhism Is Not About...
[1] Purification: Buddhism is not just about avoiding some evil and doing some good. It is also...
[59] The Parable Of Looking At Making...
譬如二人至陶师所,观其蹋轮而作瓦瓶,看无厌足。For example, two persons arrived at a pottery master’s place, to look at him...
Is It Right To Not Bother About What Is...
Question: I came across the below message (in Chinese, as translated in English)...
Compounding Effect
To not face retribution yetis not a consolation,but a reminderthat it will be compounded in...
Encouraging Mindfulness Of Buddha...
[能将净土法门劝人,即是福慧双修。] … [Those able to use the Pure Land Dharma Door to encourage people, then...
How To Perfectly Cultivate Both Blessings...
如何最自在圆满福慧双修How To Perfectly Cultivate Both Blessings And Wisdom With The Greatest Ease...
[58] The Parable Of The Two Sons Dividing...
昔摩罗国有一刹利,得病极重,必知定死,诫敕二子:「我死之后善分财物。」In the past, in Malla Kingdom, there was a kṣatriya, who got a...