Is ‘G_d’ willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able...
Layout H
譬如有人,因其饥故食七枚煎饼,食六枚半已便得饱满,其人恚悔,以手自打而作是言:「我今饱足由此半饼,然前六饼唐自捐弃,设知半饼能充足者,应先食之。」 For example, there is a...
Question: Is vegan food already offered to the deceased suitable for eating? Answer: The idea...
Bruce the boy, who was just bereaved of his parents in a robbery shootout, is in his bedroom, under...
Layout H (half)
Layout H (half)
Layout H (comb with D)
Is ‘G_d’ willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able...
譬如有人,因其饥故食七枚煎饼,食六枚半已便得饱满,其人恚悔,以手自打而作是言:「我今饱足由此半饼,然前六饼唐自捐弃,设知半饼能充足者,应先食之。」 For example, there is a...