Question: There was a case of a person who had already cultivated the Three Provisions (三资粮) of Faith, Aspiration and Practice (信愿行) for rebirth in Pure Land (净土) in advance, who had dementia later, who was however able to ‘wake up’ to continue the Practice of mindfulness of Buddha (念佛) in time, before departing for Pure Land in the end. Does this mean these provisions must be given rise to prior to dementia?
Answer: Of course, ideally so. However… For persons with enough presence of mind later when dying or after death (but before rebirth), to be those who ‘will be vowing’ (当发愿) ‘with the desire to be born in Amitābha Buddha’s Pure Land’ (欲生阿弥陀佛国者), of course, they ‘will be born’ there. In fact, these persons will also be asserting the vow to be born there, in the ‘now’ when about to depart later.
Even those who died with dementia can reach the Pure Land if their consciousness is still around, to understand the timely guidance (开示) offered, be it verbally or silently in the mind, and follow the accompanying support-chanting (助念) to express the Three Provisions. Most noteworthy is that the consciousness after death will not have dementia as it is disconnected from the diseased brain. The mind is thus clear then.
For a fuller explanation of the above with more related links below, do see the extended answer at
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